June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada

Friday June 21 is National Indigenous People’s Day in Canada

As we all live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the Treaty 7 First Nations, we have a responsibility to educate ourselves on the diverse peoples whose land we share. While this month it is important to listen, learn, and celebrate the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples, there are many ways to be an ally year-round. Check out the resources and event listing below. If you have events and resources related to Indigenous History Month and National Indigenous People’s Day (June 21) you’d like to amplify in our community, please reach out to Stephanie.c@hsca.ca.



Visit the Calgary Public Library's Indigenous Services page for a list of events celebrating and honouring National Indigenous History Month. The CPL also offers resources and information on Truth & Reconciliation on your learning journey.  

·                     The Calgary Foundation invites you to listen, acknowledge and reflect using their Ally Toolkit & Resource Guide.

·                     Check out the National Film Board's (NFB) Indigenous Cinema page and view their collection of Indigenous-made films.  


Neighbour Day is Saturday, June 15th

This year, Neighbour Day falls on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 and as many Hillhurst Sunnyside residents know, Neighbour Day is an important event in Sunnyside because it marks the tremendous support and community spirit that occurred following the 2013 floods. Last year marked the 10-year anniversary of the flood and the Sunnyside community gathered to march, connect, create, and celebrate their resiliency. An eclectic and vibrant display of costumes, music, and art were on full display along the parade route followed by a gathering at the containR site in Sunnyside. See the photos captured from last year’s resident-led event!

This year Sunnyside residents are organizing a Neighbour Day parade and festival. Like last year, people are encouraged to wear costumes, bring their noise makers and march in the parade.


  • Staging will begin at noon at the bus loop located at 5th Street and 7th Ave NW.

  • The parade will begin at 1pm

  • 3pm meet at New Edinborough Park for family fun, games, and potluck picnic

Check out the poster below for more details.

Neighbour Day 2023- Celebrating Resiliency: 10-Year Later

High river flow season May 15 – July 15. Be flood ready.

A message from the City of Calgary

High river flow season May 15 – July 15. Be flood ready.

Did you know that even in a drought, flooding is possible?

It's all because of location, location, location. With our proximity to the mountains, we can experience unpredictable swings in the weather, from weeks of dry temperatures and little rain leading to drought, to heavy rains leading to floods. As heavy rainfall in the mountains and foothills is the most significant contributor to river flooding in Calgary, The City prepares every spring for the possibility, and monitors conditions 24/7 during flood season (May 15 – July 15).  

These annual flood preparations are now complete and The City is ready for high river flow season. While they monitor continuously, remember that the mountains can change our weather very quickly and The City may have less than 24 hours to really confirm what’s coming. That’s why it’s so important we’re all prepared.

A quick and easy way to help you understand daily river conditions

Starting May 15, visit calgary.ca/floodinfo for a daily snapshot of the river conditions and forecast. The City will let you know how they're responding to the current conditions, and what actions you may need to take to be prepared. Be sure to check it out and sign up for The City’s Flood E-newsletter to get information delivered to your inbox every week!


What’s new along the Elbow & Bow Rivers?

Since 2013, Calgary has come a long way in building a more flood resilient city, reducing our city’s risk by 55 per cent. Here’s a quick update on some major flood mitigation initiatives:

Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir
Construction continues on the Government of Alberta’s Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir and is expected to be complete in early 2025. This is a critical piece of infrastructure that will help manage our flood risk on the Elbow River. Together with the higher gates at the Glenmore Dam, they will protect thousands of residents that live and work along the Elbow River and downtown Calgary from a 2013-size flood.

Sunnyside projects
Work continues on the Sunnyside Flood Barrier project, as part of the Memorial Parkway Program that will incorporate ways to enhance and honour this important part of our city, while adding critical flood protection. Construction on the flood barrier component is underway and will continue into 2025. Meanwhile, progress continues on the Upper Plateau Separation project that will help prevent stormwater flooding in the Sunnyside area, with full completion anticipated by 2025. 

Bow River Reservoir Options Study
The Government of Alberta has progressed Phase 2 of the Bow River Reservoir Options study, looking at the feasibility of a new reservoir upstream of Calgary. This spring, the government is engaging Albertans on two of three potential sites for a new reservoir on the Bow River.


Are you flood ready?

Despite all these efforts, we can’t prevent flooding entirely. If you live or work in an area that’s at risk of river flooding, it’s important to take simple steps so that you’re ready too.

1.     Understand your risk. Check our online, interactive flood maps to find out if your home and community is at risk of river flooding.

2.     Be prepared. Take steps to reduce flood damage, keep your loved ones safe and be prepared if you need to evacuate quickly.

3.     Stay informed.  Heavy rainfalls in the mountain areas, which are the major cause of flooding, are hard to predict, meaning you could have less than 24 hours warning. Visit Calgary.ca/FloodInfo for a quick snapshot of daily river conditions and sign up for alerts to stay informed.

VisitCalgary.ca/FloodInfoand be sure tosign up for The City’s Flood E-newsletterso you can get current river conditions and tips delivered to your inbox every Thursday.

HSCA Spotlight Series: Meet Giselle

Meet Giselle! Giselle is HSCA’s Community Programs Coordinator and Farmers’ Market Manager. You may see Giselle around HSCA on Monday’s during our Sustainable Food Program or during the weekly Wednesday Farmers’ Market.  We’re thrilled to have her part of the team so please say hello to her when you see her around! Let’s get to know Giselle... in 5 questions or less.  

Q. Ask me more about: 

A. Traveling, family, gardening, music, cooking, creating / building a sustainable retreat center and home outside of the city. 

Q. What is your favourite part about HSCA or the Hillhurst Sunnyside community? 

A. Staff, volunteers, community members and market vendors enjoy their roles and are eager to work together towards shared goals. 

Q. Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A. [To me] Community means people coming together to get to know each other, offer friendship and support and work towards a common goal.  

Q. What keeps you busy outside of your role at HSCA? 

A. Facilitating Breathwork practices and offering group workshops, making & selling chocolate bliss balls and sacred smudge bundles, spending time with family & friends, exploring and hiking in nature, taking photos, gardening, playing guitar, drum and singing.  

Q. Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A. Enjoying a cacao elixir, listening to music, heading out to the mountains for the day with friends.  


May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada

May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada. Asian Heritage Month offers us an opportunity to learn more about the history of Canadians of Asian heritage and to recognize the struggles and challenges faced by Canadians of Asian descent and celebrate their diverse contributions to our society (Canada, 2024).  

Learn: Information and Resources 

Below are some resources, information, and events related to the history and contributions of Canadians of Asian Heritage:

·         History of Canadians of Asian Heritage 

·         Asia: Canada Timeline 

·         The Virtual Museum of Asian Canadian Cultural Heritage 

·         Model Minority Myth  

Participate: Local Events

Check out the Asian Heritage YYC's site for a list of events for Asian Heritage Month. To date, they have three events listed for May but follow @ahfcalgary on Instagram and Facebook for the most up-to-date info. 

Share: Let’s Amplify

Want to share an event, story, or resource with our community related to Asian Heritage month? Great we can’t wait to hear from you! You can connect with us on Instagram (@hillhurst_sunnyside), Facebook (@hillhurstsunnyside) or email Stephanie.c@hsca.ca so we will do our best to share and amplify it across our communication channels.

May is Caregiver Awareness Month Across Canada

1 in 4 Canadians identify as a caregiver and it is expected that 1 in 2 Canadians will give care at some point in their lifetime and across Canada Caregivers provide 5.7 billion hours a year supporting the individuals they are caring for. 

If you know someone who is a caregiver, and you are able, think of a way to celebrate them this month. Caregiving can be challenging and draining on the Caregiver. 

If you want to explore more about Caregiving, check out caregiversalberta.ca for more information, ideas etc. or check out the information below. 

Resources for Caregivers 

Caregiving organizations across the country provide many different types of supports to caregivers who provide care due to illness, aging or disability. Explore national and regional resources to support your caregiving journey. 

• Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence – Caregiver Resources 
• Caregivers Alberta 
• Caregivers Nova Scotia 
• Family Caregivers of British Columbia 
 L’Appui proches aidants 
• Ontario Caregiver Organization 
• Young Caregivers Association 


Cut Through Traffic Survey Results

By Tim Schaefer, Sunnyside Resident

Thank you everyone who took the time to complete the HSCA Mobility survey on ideas to mitigate cut-through traffic during the Sunnyside flood barrier construction. The City will have Memorial Drive reduced to 1 lane in either direction for up to 2 years. With traffic volume above pre-Covid levels, the lane reduction will inevitably result in cut-through traffic in Sunnyside.

In total there were 95 responses, which provides a 95% confidence level with a +/- 10% margin of error. In non-statistical terms, the results provide a good indication how the community feels about the temporary ideas discussed. The survey was NOT a vote on whether any of the ideas will proceed. It is up to the City of Calgary to decide what measures are taken, if any, and they will use their own process and engagement before any measures are taken.

Overall, there was majority-support for all the temporary measures covered. In summary, the positive support was as follows:

76% Yes - 30km/h Limit

67% Yes - Memorial Limit

75% Yes - Inbound Access

59% Yes - Outbound Access

64% Yes - Closing Lower Deck

74% Yes - Limit Lower Deck

Speed Limit

On the idea of temporarily lowering the speed limit to 30km/h for the entire neighbourhood, 76% of respondents supported the idea. This isn’t surprising because Sunnyside has, for the most part, narrow streets that are better suited for a 30km/h limit. It seems that residents see this as a great opportunity to try out a safer speed for people not in cars.

Temporarily lowering the speed limit on Memorial from 14 St to Centre Street was supported somewhat less, with 67% responding Yes. Today the Memorial limit is 50km/h within Sunnyside, but east of Centre St the limit is 70km/h. The idea of lowering the limit is to reduce the appeal of using Memorial by expanding a lower speed beyond just the construction zone.

Limiting Access

For the idea of limiting access inbound to Sunnyside on the streets connecting to Memorial, 41% liked the idea for most but not all streets, while 34% liked the idea only during rush hour. The last time the City closed access to a street was 7 St NW in the 1980’s and the additional comments provided in the survey suggested the greatest interest to try out the next closure would be on one or all of these streets: 4, 4A, 5 and 5A St NW.

For the idea of limiting access outbound from Sunnyside on 2 Av and 4 Av NW where they connect to 10 St NW, thereby limiting the feasibility of cut-through, the support was a bit nuanced.  30% liked the idea only during rush hour, while an additional 29% liked the idea all the time for 4 Ave. Since the survey was released, the 2024 Gladstone Connect project has become known which will involve major construction on 4 Av NW. This project will result in partial and full closure that will effectively deliver the same result.

Lower Deck Bridge

Limiting the amount of traffic on Memorial that comes from the Centre Street bridge was the last idea covered in the survey. The concept here is limiting or eliminating traffic from the Lower Deck would lower the source of traffic and lessen cut-through during the flood barrier construction.

For the idea of temporarily closing the Lower Deck to all vehicle traffic, 64% of respondents said Yes. There was greater support for limiting the traffic with 74% of respondents saying Yes to not having alternating lanes on the lower deck during rush hour.

Since the survey was released, the rehabilitation of the 4 Ave flyover into downtown has become known. That project is expected to last 18 months and will reduce that connector from Memorial from 2 lanes down to 1. Given this, it is unlikely the City will close the Lower Deck as access into downtown will already be impacted but limiting outbound access could still be an option for the City to consider.

Survey Comments

Lots of additional comments were provided by respondents, thank you! The most common “other ideas” shared were adding speed bumps, more 4-way stops and more police enforcement. About 9% of all survey respondents were opposed to any measure being taken whatsoever, with their comments focused on their ability to drive.

When asked what would upset people the most, the comments most frequent and equally shared were 1. If the City severely impacted resident’s vehicle access and 2. If the City were to do nothing to address cut-through.

Your Health is Your Wealth: Badminton at HSCA

By Grace Yuen

Come try Badminton and experience the wonderful benefits for you. It can build up strong muscle mass and strengthen your heart and bones. It boosts your metabolism and improves your mental agility. In a relaxing and fun atmosphere, it can ease your stress and help develop good social relationships. A sport that has a very long history and is well loved around the world in Asia and Europe. 

We meet every Monday and Thursday, year-round from 10:30 am-1:00 pm at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Center (1320-5 Ave NW), a very centralized location. We are also the cheapest in town with only $4 (cash) per each visit and $1 drop-in shuttle fee but for a better deal you can purchase a punch card online of $70 for 20x or $10 annual shuttle fee. Most of the players are post beginners to advanced level. High school and up students are also welcome. There are four well maintained rubberized compound floors, showers and lockers, water fountain, vending machine and ATM machine. There is also free parking. We have been playing here for almost 20 years. We are using Yonex 300 plastic shuttles as a group and some of our players are gold medalists of the Alberta Provincial  55+ this year. So come and join us and have some fun playing this interesting sport which is both exciting to play and beautiful to watch! 

For more information, please contact Grace Yuen at gymyuen@gmail.com or visit www.hsca.ca/badminton


An EGG-stra Special Flea Market

On Sunday, March 31 the HSCA Flea Market hosted a family fun Easter egg hunt! Along with hunting for treasures and bargains, patrons we’re invited to hunt for eggs hidden throughout the market. Here’s a look at some of our winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated! Keep an eye out for more family fun events during Sunday Flea Market!

Rain Barrel Program: A Message from the City of Calgary (Ward 7)

The City has collaborated with Green Calgary to deliver the Rain Barrel Sales program since 2010. These sales act as a major fundraiser and community engagement tool for Green Calgary and are an important part of The City’s water conservation programming. Rain barrels collect rainwater and provide a free source of water for our yards. Plants appreciate the soft, warm water, and homeowners can help reduce the amount of rainwater runoff that enters our rivers and creeks untreated. Calgary's average rainfall of 5 cm per month will provide approximately 4,000 liters of water. This can fill a typical 45-gallon rain barrel 20 times.

Starting this April, the “Together we can make every drop count” campaign will provide Calgarians with simple ways they can do their part to conserve water and use it wisely at home, in their yards and at their businesses. As we look ahead to spring, we should think about preparing our yards for dry conditions and potential water restrictions. Using a rain barrel is a great way to capture and reuse rainwater in your yard during this drought.

Rain barrels are available for pre-order through Green Calgary and cost $78+GST. You can also buy them later this spring at the following dates/locations between 10am and 2pm:

  • April 27th – IKEA (8000 11 Street SE)

  • May 4th - Dalhousie Co-Op (5505 Shaganappi Trail NW)

  • May 11th – Calgary Horticultural Society (2725 33 Avenue SW)

  • May 25th - Deer Valley Co-Op (1221 Canyon Meadows Dr SE)

  • June 1st – The Genesis Centre (7555 Falconridge Boulevard NE)

  • June 8th - West Springs Co-Op (917 85 St SW)

  • June 15th - Inglewood Community Garden (2297 17 St SE)

  • June 22nd - Community Natural Foods Chinook (202 61 Ave SW)

Pre-orders for rain barrels start on April 1st and can be picked up at these locations or can be delivered to you by Green Calgary for a delivery fee. Please note, pre-order sale quantities are limited.

Various types of rain barrels are also available at local hardware stores and garden centres around Calgary.

Remember, every drop counts when it comes to water conservation. By incorporating a rain barrel into your outdoor routine, you're not only benefiting your yard but also contributing to a greener, more sustainable Calgary.

For more information about rain barrels, visit The City’s rain barrel program page.

HSCA Volunteers: THANK YOU!

HSCA has an incredible team of volunteers! National Volunteer Week takes place April 14-20. Volunteer Canada’s theme for 2024 is ‘Every Moment Matters’. This theme highlights the importance of every volunteer and contribution they make at HSCA. THANK YOU to our incredible volunteer community—we truly couldn’t do it without you! The sharing of time, skills, empathy, and creativity is vital to the inclusivity, strength, and well-being of our community. Now more than ever, Every Moment Matters.  

Are you an HSCA Volunteer? Consider being featured in HSCA’s Spotlight series so we can highlight the important impact you’re making in our community! What is the HSCA Spotlight series? HSCA ‘Spotlight’ series is a fun way to ‘spotlight’ the amazing people around our community and within HSCA. The spotlight form consists of a short series of questions, and you are welcome to skip any and you may also submit an optional photo/selfie (instructions included in the form). If you are interested in being featured in this series, please take a moment to fill out our HSCA Spotlight form or connect with an HSCA Team member to arrange an in-person Q & A. Your submission/interview may be included in HSCA Communication channels, including The Hillhurst Sunnyside Voice newsletter, e-newsletter, HSCA social media, and/or our Annual Report. We recognize volunteer efforts continue year-round so you may submit this form at any time! 

Here is the HSCA Spotlight Form

Samaritan Club of Calgary Sale

Samaritan Club of Calgary Sale
Saturday, April 27th, 9am-1pm

It’s that time of year again! The Samaritan Sale will be back at HSCA on Saturday, April 27 from 9am-1pm. This semi-annual sale is a great way to save on household goods, clothes, shoes, books, toys, collectibles, and more. Bring your own bag and stop by HSCA to check out this exciting and longstanding event sale.  


Did you know? The Samaritan Club of Calgary’s Super Thrift Sale is the oldest, largest, single day ‘thrift’ sale event in the city. 2024 marks the 39th year, All proceeds from the sale go to Calgarians in need.


Check www.samaritanclub.ca for more details.

Bowview Bluefins Swim Club is BACK!

Bowview Bluefins Swim Club- Reg NOW OPEN!

Bowview Outdoor Pool is bringing back a new and exciting approach to learning advanced swimming skills for swimmers 7 - 12 years old. The swim club will provide professional coaching, stroke correction/improvement, technical instruction, and a non-competitive swim meet at the end of the season! 

Swimmers must have completed Swimmer 4 or be able to comfortably swim a minimum of 25 meters. 

$220 for 11 weeks of swimming, PLUS all swimmers receive a Bowview Bluefins Swim Cap and T-Shirt!

Bowview Bluefins runs June 18th – August 27th; Tuesday evenings from 7:50pm-8:50pm at Bowview Outdoor Pool.

Registration can be found at: https://app.amilia.com/store/en/hsca/shop/programs.

Visit: https://www.hsca.ca/bowview-outdoor-pool for more information.

Upper Plateau Separation Project Update: Road Closures (March 2-April 8)

A Message from the City of Calgary

There will be some road closures related to the Upper Plateau Separation Project in Hillhurst Sunnyside. This project work is part of the ongoing stormwater upgrades happening in the northwest inner-city area and involves the installation of a larger, dedicated pipe that will collect and move stormwater from the communities on top of the hill directly to the Bow River, bypassing Sunnyside, to help prevent flooding in the community. 
For this final phase of work, The City needs to install two new storm pipes across 10 Street NW and make modifications to existing infrastructure on 10 St NW. 
This construction will require closing 10 Street traffic between Sait Way NW and just north of 5 Av NW, adjacent to Riley Park. 

10 St. NW will remain open between 16 Avenue NW and Sait Way NW, allowing for access in and out of SAIT.

To complete the work as quickly as possible, and minimize disruption to residents and commuters, crews will be working during the day and at night between March 2 and April 8, 2024
Construction Impacts 
March 2 – 8: 
Within the construction area, two northbound lanes on 10 St NW will be closed, with southbound lane and pedestrian sidewalk open for vehicles traveling southbound and pedestrians only.  Cyclist detour will be in place.
March 9 – April 8: Full road closure of 10 St NW within the work area, between Sait Way NW and adjacent to Riley Park, north of 5 Av NW. 

April 9: 10 Street re-opens. 
The City takes all efforts to limit work to daytime hours, but for this project it is necessary to work at night to complete the work safely, efficiently, and minimize the disruption to residents and commuters in the area. This approach will lead to construction noise at night.
Transit Impacts 
Bus Routes 4 and 5 will be detoured. Route 4 stops 8046, 7672, and 8968, as well as Route 5 stops 5244, 8962, and 5245 will be temporarily closed. Full transit detour information, and temporary stop locations will be posted to calgarytransit.com/serviceupdates and on the mobile Transit app.

Project Information or Questions If you have any questions about this work or the project please contact 311 or visit calgary.ca/sunnysidecdi for more information.

HSCA Celebrates Lunar New Year!

February 10th marked the beginning of Lunar New Year and HSCA kicked off the celebrations! Celebrations and learnings were incorporated into our childcare programming as well as our Sip ‘n’ Chat and Neighbour Night events. You may have noticed the beautiful paper decorations hanging in our Hearth room! Our Sip ‘n’ Chat & Neighbour Night blended Chinese and Japanese traditions to celebrate and decorate for the new year. Sip ‘n’ Chat participants made origami cranes to represent peace and Neighbour Night featured carefully selected Chinese dishes (representing luck and prosperity) and Japanese dishes.

March is Community Association Awareness Month

Did you know?  

Here’s 6 ways You can get involved at HSCA

  1. Attend HSCA programming, recreation, or one of our weekly markets (visit HSCA's programs and recreation calendar 

  2. Purchase or renew your HSCA Membership (check out the perks, discounts, and special offers from amazing local businesses

  3. Volunteer (visit www.hsca.ca/volunteer)  

  4. Sign up for the HSCA e-newsletter  

  5. Join a sub-committee (learn more about the Mobility, Heritage, and Sunnyside Brightening Committees here

  6. Share your VOICE! Submit content, photos, and/or event details to the HSCA blog or Voice newsletter (email stephanie.c@hsca.ca or check our Resident Submission page)

Sunnyside’s Cut-Through Traffic Dilemma

By Tim Schaefer, Sunnyside Resident

Sunnyside is on the cusp of a major cut through traffic problem. This time it will be bigger than anything we’ve ever seen before.

In 2023, Memorial Drive in Sunnyside saw upwards of 35,000 vehicles each day, with 17,000 vehicles heading east, and 18,000 heading west. This data is according to the City of Calgary’s Traffic Counts System that is available on Calgary.ca. These are record high volumes, demonstrating that Memorial Drive has fully returned to pre-pandemic traffic levels and then some.

As any Sunnyside resident will know, everything is fine on Memorial Drive, until it’s not. As soon as there’s a backup, drivers who are stuck idling beside one of the six streets that intersect Memorial consider cutting through Sunnyside. When they do, Sunnyside’s residential streets, like 2 Ave NW which typically only sees 2,000 vehicles a day, fall into a combination of gridlock and dangerously fast-moving vehicles.

So, what’s about to change? The construction of the new Sunnyside Flood Barrier.

Sunnyside residents have been patiently waiting for 11 years to see a new and better flood barrier constructed and it is finally going to happen! But when construction starts, Memorial Drive will be reduced to 1 lane in either direction. This lane reduction is estimated to last between 18 and 24 months.

Without any measures taken to dissuade drivers from cutting through Sunnyside, residents can expect to see commuters congesting and speeding on our streets for up to 2 years.

What can be done?

Cut-through traffic is not a new concern for Sunnyside, so there are lots of ideas that have been implemented or considered in the past. There are also new ideas that we haven’t tried before, and this may be the opportunity to pilot them during the flood barrier construction. Here are some examples:

Closing off access. You can’t cut through what you can’t access. In 1980, access to Memorial on 7 St NW was closed. More of the remaining six streets that access Memorial could be closed as well.  But Sunnyside residents also like their access to Memorial Drive resulting in past considerations of this measure being dismissed. Maybe now is the time to pilot this idea with temporary barriers. For example, at the east end of Sunnyside, all but one of the streets connecting to Memorial could be blocked off with the remaining street having a temporary traffic light to ensure access is possible. 

Closing access could also happen at the other end. You can’t cut through Sunnyside if it’s a dead end. Closing the neighbourhood’s west-bound vehicle access to 10 St NW from 2 Ave NW and 4 Ave NW during the evening rush hour, would make Sunnyside only exit-able by vehicle from Memorial for a couple hours each afternoon. Having signs at the east end entry points explaining no through access would deter drivers from trying.

Lowering the Speed Limit. Drivers who choose to cut through are looking for a fast route to escape congestion.  Maybe Sunnyside should pilot a 30 km/h neighbourhood speed limit, that way the neighbourhood isn’t offering a “fast” alternative. The speed limit on Memorial Drive could also be lowered. It is a major east-west corridor for vehicle traffic and people view it as a quick way to get across this part of the city. Lowering the speed limit on Memorial keeps that corridor open, but makes it less attractive. For example the speed limit on Memorial between Edmonton Trail and 14 Street NW could be lowered down to 40 km/h or even 30 km/h during the construction phase.

Closing Centre Street Lower Deck. The City has in recent years closed the lower deck to vehicle traffic. First during the pandemic and then later to accommodate flood mitigation construction. Closing the lower deck during construction of the flood barrier would eliminate a source of the traffic created on Memorial Drive that ultimately will cut-through Sunnyside. If closing the lower deck is a “bridge too far” (pun intended), maybe eliminating alternating lanes during the evening rush hour to lessen the volume of vehicles on Memorial is worth considering.

What ideas do you like? Do you have other ideas you’d like the city to pilot during the flood barrier construction?

The HSCA Mobility Committee would like to know your thoughts and ideas. You can let us know using the survey accessed in the following QR Code. You can also share your thoughts or concerns directly with the City by making a 311 request online or by phone. You can also contact the Ward 7 office and let them know you’d like to see proactive measures taken.


Cut-Through Traffic Survey is available here


February is Black History Month

February is Black History Month. The theme for 2024 is Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build (Canada, 2024). For a list of Black History Events in Calgary, visit the Centre for Newcomers ‘Black History Events in Calgary 2024’ page! 

Is there a Black History community event HSCA can amplify? Please reach out to stephanie.c@hsca.ca
Check out:   



HSCA Spotlight Series: Meet Hannah!

Meet Hannah! Hannah is HSCA’s new Activities and Rental Coordinator and Bowview Outdoor Pool Manager during the pool season! You may have seen Hannah around HSCA already or at the pool last year. Hannah brings great energy and we’re so excited to have her join our team. Please say hello to Hannah if you see her around HSCA! Let’s get to know Hannah...in 5 questions or less!   


Q. Ask me more about:

A. Theatre, Movies, Airplanes, Cars, and Food 

Q. What is your favourite part about HSCA? 

A. Meeting new people everyday and learning about their experiences in life. 

Q. What does community mean to you? 

A. Having a group of people to share common experiences with. 

Q. What is your favourite part of the Hillhurst Sunnyside community? (examples: walks, people, places to grab coffee, etc.). 

A. Going for a walk up Grasshopper Hill and looking over the city skyline. Driving through Kensington on a warm summer's night and seeing everyone enjoying the ambience and nightlife. 

Q. Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A. Listening to calming music and talking with my fiancé or dad.