HSCA’s AGM is Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 (In-person). Register today!


Banner photo by Ara Shimoon, glorified.ca


HSCA is always looking for volunteers!

We need volunteers for community initiatives and events like Community Planning, Bow River Clean-up, Charity Casinos, Farmers’ Market, and the list certainly goes on. We also need volunteers to serve on our Standing Committees and Special Task Force Groups.

We have many volunteer opportunities in and around the community: short-term, long-term and ongoing. If you would like to discuss any positions or explore other possibilities for sharing your time, gifts, passions and talents with us, please contact Claire.L@hsca.ca. We would enjoy spending time discussing the endless possibilities with you!

*NEW* Volunteer Portal

HSCA has launched a new volunteer portal on Volunteer Connector! Explore our latest volunteer opportunities through the link below.