For Residents
Have you been notified of a development change or planning project happening in the community? There are several ways the City of Calgary will notify you on planning related projects. We encourage everyone to remain informed on the status of a planning application by reviewing the Development Map, hosted by the City of Calgary.
Land Use Amendment applications
A land use amendment application is an applicant-led process where they are proposing to change the land use district for a parcel of land. The purpose of the land use district is it identifies what type of development can occur on a parcel of land and the rules that an applicant must follow during the development permit stage.
Applicants are strongly encouraged by the City of Calgary to reach out to communities when they are proposing a new development. All engagement on land use applications is at the discretion of the applicant; the HSPC cannot control how or when engagement on these projects occur. We support and encourage applicants to host open houses on projects that will have a certain level of impact to affected neighbours.
Proposed Land Use Amendment
The City will post a notification sign with a green background when a new land use application has been filed. You can find information on the land use applications that are currently open on the current development applications page or by visiting the City of Calgary Development Map.
Proposed Land Use Public Hearing
All land use applications must have a public hearing where citizens can present information regarding the application before City Council. When the subject parcel of land is nearing the public hearing, the City will post an updated notification sign that has a black backdrop. Current information on how you can participate in a public hearing and the day’s agenda is available through the City’s Public Hearing webpage.
Public Hearing on Planning Matters
Public hearings on planning matters are usually held the first Tuesday of the month. Public hearings are open to all citizens who are interested in speaking on a land use amendment application. As a resident, you can speak in support, opposition, or neither. You can participate by submitting comments and/or presenting in-person or by telephone. You must register in order to participate. The agenda will be shared the Thursday before the scheduled hearing. The City will cover the cost of transit or parking for all participants.
Please note, it is the responsibility of the participant to monitor the agenda on the day of the public hearing and to plan your time accordingly. You are not required to sit in council chambers all day, awaiting your agenda item, but it is highly recommended that you are either in council chambers or on the phone at least three (3) agenda items before yours is presented. Once the public hearing is closed, you will not be able to participate.
Development Permit Applications
Development permit applications are applicant led and tell us what type of development will be occurring on the subject parcel of land. This process involves comparing the merits of the application against the land use bylaw. If their application is asking for a relaxation or the proposed development is a discretionary use, the community will be notified of the changes. If the development is contextual or a permitted use, the community will not be notified of the changes.
Development Permit Notification
Your comments, thoughts and opinions are important and will be considered in the City’s review of the proposed development application. The applicant may also be undertaking community outreach to inform you about their proposal.
The HSPC encourages all community members to comment on applications, whether you support or oppose them. Your comments provide local context that may not have been considered during the review process and it is through these reviews that unique qualities can be highlighted. You can learn more about the Development Permit process and how you can become involved here:
City of Calgary: How To Respond to a Development Application
Appealing a decision
Decisions on subdivision or development permit applications can be appealed. All appeals are presented before the Subdivision Development Appeal Board (SDAB), which is a quasi-judicial board. If you are considering an appeal on an approved or rejected application, this guide will help you understand and prepare for the appeal process:
Guide to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
For land use amendment applications, the decision by council is final and binding. There is no opportunity to appeal Council’s decision, unless the appeal is based on a matter of law.
How to apply for a planning application
Are you interested in making changes to your property, adding a secondary suite or a laneway house? We encourage you to review the City of Calgary Development and Building Application Process to see what steps are needed to make the changes.