Hillhurst Sunnyside Voice

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Voice is a free community newsletter that provides updates on HSCA programs and events, as well as information that applies to the residents and businesses of Hillhurst Sunnyside. 

Content submissions (articles, photos, etc.) are to be submitted by the end of day on the 3rd of the month prior to publication. For example, content for the May edition would be due April 3rd. Content may be submitted to the HSCA newsletter editor: Stephanie.c@hsca.ca

Any content that is considered advertising or promotional for a business must submit through Great News Publishing. Details for this may be found on their website www.great-news.ca

For questions related to distribution, if you did not receive your latest issue, or you wish to be removed from the distribution list please contact Canada Post directly.

Current Issue








Previous issues of the Voice may also be found online here:  http://mycalgary.com/communities/calgary/nw/hillhurst/