HSCA Spotlight Series: Meet Giselle

Meet Giselle! Giselle is HSCA’s Community Programs Coordinator and Farmers’ Market Manager. You may see Giselle around HSCA on Monday’s during our Sustainable Food Program or during the weekly Wednesday Farmers’ Market.  We’re thrilled to have her part of the team so please say hello to her when you see her around! Let’s get to know Giselle... in 5 questions or less.  

Q. Ask me more about: 

A. Traveling, family, gardening, music, cooking, creating / building a sustainable retreat center and home outside of the city. 

Q. What is your favourite part about HSCA or the Hillhurst Sunnyside community? 

A. Staff, volunteers, community members and market vendors enjoy their roles and are eager to work together towards shared goals. 

Q. Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A. [To me] Community means people coming together to get to know each other, offer friendship and support and work towards a common goal.  

Q. What keeps you busy outside of your role at HSCA? 

A. Facilitating Breathwork practices and offering group workshops, making & selling chocolate bliss balls and sacred smudge bundles, spending time with family & friends, exploring and hiking in nature, taking photos, gardening, playing guitar, drum and singing.  

Q. Finish this sentence: 'On Saturday mornings, you can usually find me...' 

A. Enjoying a cacao elixir, listening to music, heading out to the mountains for the day with friends.