High river flow season May 15 – July 15. Be flood ready.

A message from the City of Calgary

High river flow season May 15 – July 15. Be flood ready.

Did you know that even in a drought, flooding is possible?

It's all because of location, location, location. With our proximity to the mountains, we can experience unpredictable swings in the weather, from weeks of dry temperatures and little rain leading to drought, to heavy rains leading to floods. As heavy rainfall in the mountains and foothills is the most significant contributor to river flooding in Calgary, The City prepares every spring for the possibility, and monitors conditions 24/7 during flood season (May 15 – July 15).  

These annual flood preparations are now complete and The City is ready for high river flow season. While they monitor continuously, remember that the mountains can change our weather very quickly and The City may have less than 24 hours to really confirm what’s coming. That’s why it’s so important we’re all prepared.

A quick and easy way to help you understand daily river conditions

Starting May 15, visit calgary.ca/floodinfo for a daily snapshot of the river conditions and forecast. The City will let you know how they're responding to the current conditions, and what actions you may need to take to be prepared. Be sure to check it out and sign up for The City’s Flood E-newsletter to get information delivered to your inbox every week!


What’s new along the Elbow & Bow Rivers?

Since 2013, Calgary has come a long way in building a more flood resilient city, reducing our city’s risk by 55 per cent. Here’s a quick update on some major flood mitigation initiatives:

Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir
Construction continues on the Government of Alberta’s Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir and is expected to be complete in early 2025. This is a critical piece of infrastructure that will help manage our flood risk on the Elbow River. Together with the higher gates at the Glenmore Dam, they will protect thousands of residents that live and work along the Elbow River and downtown Calgary from a 2013-size flood.

Sunnyside projects
Work continues on the Sunnyside Flood Barrier project, as part of the Memorial Parkway Program that will incorporate ways to enhance and honour this important part of our city, while adding critical flood protection. Construction on the flood barrier component is underway and will continue into 2025. Meanwhile, progress continues on the Upper Plateau Separation project that will help prevent stormwater flooding in the Sunnyside area, with full completion anticipated by 2025. 

Bow River Reservoir Options Study
The Government of Alberta has progressed Phase 2 of the Bow River Reservoir Options study, looking at the feasibility of a new reservoir upstream of Calgary. This spring, the government is engaging Albertans on two of three potential sites for a new reservoir on the Bow River.


Are you flood ready?

Despite all these efforts, we can’t prevent flooding entirely. If you live or work in an area that’s at risk of river flooding, it’s important to take simple steps so that you’re ready too.

1.     Understand your risk. Check our online, interactive flood maps to find out if your home and community is at risk of river flooding.

2.     Be prepared. Take steps to reduce flood damage, keep your loved ones safe and be prepared if you need to evacuate quickly.

3.     Stay informed.  Heavy rainfalls in the mountain areas, which are the major cause of flooding, are hard to predict, meaning you could have less than 24 hours warning. Visit Calgary.ca/FloodInfo for a quick snapshot of daily river conditions and sign up for alerts to stay informed.

VisitCalgary.ca/FloodInfoand be sure tosign up for The City’s Flood E-newsletterso you can get current river conditions and tips delivered to your inbox every Thursday.