
Hillhurst Sunnyside at a Glance | Census 2019

Contributors: Lisa Chong (author, infographic) + Matt Crowley (data analysis) | HSCA Community Planning

The City of Calgary has released their April 2019 census results on September 3rd. This data is available for viewing at Overall, Calgary’s population has gone up from 1,267,344 in 2018 to 1,285,711 at a 1.45% increase. Population increase was largely attributed to new suburban communities: Mahogany, Legacy, Nolan Hill, Cornerstone, and Redstone saw the most growth.

A Vision for Calgary

City Council adopted the Municipal Development Plan (MDP) in 2010 in response to continued, projected population growth in Calgary. At the time, the MDP envisioned a 1/3 population growth in the established areas and 2/3 in the new suburbs for the next thirty years with the goal of a 50/50 split in sixty years’ time. The City’s recent Next 20 project was intended as a ten-year policy review of these goals (the MDP review has now been reduced in scope as a result of the City’s budget cuts in June 2019).

A Vision for Hillhurst Sunnyside

Ten years have passed since Council’s approval of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan: Part II Transit Oriented Development (ARP; 2009). The ARP is the policy that guides new development in our community. Since then, we have seen a steady population increase of around 1,800 people. Hillhurst has lost population in the last two years, in part, due to the permanent evacuation of residents at Kensington Manor.

Using the City of Calgary’s census numbers and 2008 population prior to the ARP, Hillhurst Sunnyside has seen a compounded annual growth rate in its population of 1.8%. By comparison, Calgary has experienced a 1.9% compounded population growth over that same time period. In order for the City to meet 1/3 of its total growth from established areas, higher growth rates are needed in mature areas.

Based on HSCA’s internal development application tracking, Hillhurst Sunnyside has a total of 25 developments ongoing with a minimum of 6 units. There is a total of 132 residential units currently under construction.

Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee Development Tracking | Current as of September 2019

Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee Development Tracking | Current as of September 2019

Over the next 5 years, we can expect to welcome an additional 1,800 people the community (based on completion of 30% of predevelopment projects and 60% of approved projects). This would amount to a compounded growth rate of 2.8% since 2009 and 5.8% since 2019. In part, this represents a change in consumer preferences to be located in walkable communities, complete with amenities and services that emphasize lifestyle. As Hillhurst Sunnyside residents, our livable community is something to be truly proud of. For the second year in a row, the Economist has rated Calgary the #1 most livable city in North America and 5th most livable in the entire world.

Despite the current economic climate, planning and development for new buildings in the community continues to forge ahead (see: The community is now poised to take part in the City of Calgary’s new approach to planning with the multi-community district-based planning (see: North Hill Communities Local Growth Planning).

A Vision for Your Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association

As a community association that serves Hillhurst and Sunnyside, a deeper understanding of the demographic makeup of our community is crucial to the sustainability of our organization and ensuring we continue to offer relevant programming to our current and future neighbours.

HSCA continually works at achieving diverse representation on our Board of Directors. This includes a wide range of ages, professions, expertise, housing tenure and geographical location in the community.

In recent years, we embarked on imagineHSCA in 2014, which was a visioning exercise for our community association. In 2017, we hosted a larger-scale community survey that served as a starting point of conversation about current programs/services and understanding the value which residents hope to gain from us. This valuable feedback is helping us shape current and future offerings at HSCA. You can review the results of our survey at this link.

While there is a general perception that community associations are made up of more established residents, we have observed a steady flow of volunteers, members and participants from a variety of backgrounds and ages. It is important to hear from not only these residents, but neighbours that traditionally have a smaller voice: HSCA meets regularly with various social agencies and non-profit housing groups to share information, build relationships and invite neighbours to take part in community life.

A Vision for the Future

HSCA continues to serve our strong, vibrant, inclusive community with a proud housing mix of rentals, home-ownership, cooperative housing, multi-residential, laneway homes and everything in between. We are an intergenerational and mixed income community. All are welcome at your friendly Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association ❤️

Check out our community overview on our accompanying infographic!

Hillhurst Sunnyside Factsheet | September 3, 2019

Community Planning and Engagement Update for June

Community Planning and Engagement

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) will be meeting on Tuesday June 11, 2019 from 7-9pm. All community residents are welcome! Agendas and past minutes are posted on

Please help us welcome the applicant’s team at Ocgrow and architects at Riddell Kurczaba as they provide an update on the proposed development at 211-221 14 St NW (site of the yellow National Transmission auto garage on the west side of 14 St between Kensington Rd and 2 Ave).

Want to volunteer? HSPC is looking for more representation from Sunnyside and condo neighbours. All are welcome – guests, students and whether you rent or own your home or have a business in the neighbourhood. Please bring your ideas and an open mind. Contact

Ocgrow | 211-221 14 St NW (National Transmission Building)

Ocgrow has submitted a rezoning and ARP amendment application for this site for a 26m (8-storey), 5 FAR mixed use building (ARP limit of 20m or 6 storeys and 4 FAR). Because this is a proposed change to bylaw, the application will need to go through City Council for their final decision.

The due date for community comments is Monday, June 10, 2019. For information or to provide comments, please contact the City of Calgary File Manager at You can copy HSPC at and Councillor Farrell’s office at

Background information:

·       HSPC overview:

·       Developer’s project website

·       Review the status of the application at the City’s Planning Map website at

Kensington Manor | 321 10 St NW

View an update on the vacant Kensington Manor building at

Bow to Bluff public parks project – FUNDED

Check out an exciting news announcement from Councillor Druh Farrell on the citizen-initiated Bow to Bluff project. The project was the result of years of resident engagement and advocacy to transform and create activity on the triangle-shaped parks along the LRT line from the Bow River to McHugh Bluff. Read more at

Water for Riley: the drinking fountain

Check out another win for the community from the volunteer team at Water for Riley on the installation of the drinking fountain on the west side of Riley Park by the playground! Check out their blog for updates at

Bow River Naturalization and McHugh Bluff Goats

The City is beginning work this May to naturalize the park open space near 14 Street NW along Memorial Drive, and a portion of the McHugh Bluff natural area. The goals of this naturalization project are to: establish more natural, self-sustaining vegetation communities within the boulevards, provide habitat for native pollinators (e.g., bees, butterflies) and reduce non-native invasive plant species.

Read more and view the map of the affected areas at

Residential Parking Program Review


Written by Lisa Chong, Community Planning and Engagement Coordinator

January Community & Planning Development Update

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) is made up of community residents and works to respond to planning and development applications in the community. HSPC aims to support the Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and to provide information and engage neighbours throughout the planning process. Visit for the latest community planning news.

HSPC meets every second Tuesday at the community centre. Due to timing, please note that our January 9, 2018 meeting has been cancelled. Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday February 13 from 7-9pm. We are expecting an update from Anthem Properties on the redevelopment of the former CBC/Radio Canada site at 1724 Westmount Boulevard NW. All residents are welcome whether you are a new or existing resident, rent or own your home. Come learn about what’s happening in the community and meet your neighbours! You can find a copy of the agenda and past minutes at

Royal Bank Site Redevelopment | 413 10th St NW

Graywood Developments has submitted a Land Use Amendment (rezoning) application for the RBC site. This site was allocated the greatest height in the ARP Transit Oriented Development policy (32 metres or 9-10 storeys) and a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 5.0. There is specific policy in the ARP for urban mixed-use development (including ground floor retail and residential). The residential portion could add approximately 100-120 units to the community. The developer will still need to rezone the site to the ARP height/FAR and are seeking a MU-2 (Mixed Use - Active Frontage) zoning designation.

This application will go through the City planning process; residents are invited to submit comments on the rezoning application to the City File Manager at (please quote LOC2017-0393). This is a Concurrent Application; the Development Permit (plans for the building and site) will be expected in the coming months. Public engagement is also expected in early 2018.


As this is a gateway location, we would strongly expect to see a design that complements and enhances the human scale of the neighbourhood, the public realm around the building and pedestrian experience. Based on preliminary discussions, HSPC believes that the biggest obstacle will be traffic; it is not possible to turn left from Gladstone Road (already a difficult through-road) onto 10th Street and traffic will go through the residential part of the community.

As for coordination with Stonebriar on the neighbouring LifeSport redevelopment project to the north, based on our information, the sale of the building has fallen through and there is no proposal at this time.

Former CBC/Radio-Canada Site | 1724 Westmount Blvd NW

Anthem Properties (also the developer for the condo project at 1134-1160 Memorial Drive NW) is currently in the process of an internal review of the redevelopment. Anthem’s representatives informed us that they have met with the immediate neighbours across the alley from the site to discuss their project. Please join us at the February 13th HSPC meeting at 7pm to hear updates on this project.

Read residents’ aspirations for the site at

Russell Red “Glo” Project | 916-926 2nd Avenue NW

At the time of writing, amended DP plans responding to the City Detailed Team Review and community input has been received and will have gone through a second-round review from the City. The DP will go forward to Calgary Planning Commission for their final decision.

The development will still need to go through City Council to approve the zoning and to ensure that the amended plans comply with Council’s direction for a building that fits better with the established neighbourhood. While some positive changes were made, and the land use district fits the ARP maximums, it is still a large 5-storey building surrounding by historic houses and multi-family homes.

Read more on the developer’s website at

Sunnyside Grocery Redevelopment | 802 2nd Avenue NW

Sunnyside Sustainable Living has submitted a rezoning application to allow for a 6-unit townhouse style project; the City will review community comments and will deliver their recommendation to Calgary Planning Commission and City Council in the near future. A DP is expected soon. Visit to see the concept and read more about the proposal.

Truman Condo Project | 922, 926, 928 Memorial Drive

The City approval of the Development Permit for this project was recently appealed by neighbours and supported by the HSCA. While it is an attractive building, the HSPC had several concerns with the approved land use height/FAR so far above the ARP policy and the fact that community input did not influence the final building height.

Due to jurisdiction, the Appeal Board could not hear about the rezoning, ARP amendment and engagement and only that the DP follows the direction of the Direct Control bylaws that were approved by Council in Sept 2017. The DP was partially denied with some compromises:

·       Removing the trees from the west side of the site and replacing at the developer’s expense.

·       Remove glazing from west side of the main floor to prevent light pollution

·       Future consultations with 934 Memorial re: transition at property line

·       Removal of light over garage door.

·       Addition of access gates on the roof top amenity space to ease privacy concerns to adjacent homes.

Thank you to those involved with this project and for your time writing letters. You can read the decision document at and search “SDAB2017-0091”. See to view the developer’s website.

Bow to Bluff Update

Bow to Bluff is a citizen-initiated project to improve the triangular parks and linear space next to the LRT line, improve safety, connections, and create a great public gathering spaces between the Bow River and McHugh Bluff. Click to see the December 2017 B2B Public Realm Plan - Design Update and keep updated at Funding is available to implement a part of the project this year.

January 29, 2018 Flood Information Session

The City of Calgary is hosting an event to provide information on flood mitigation projects underway: three pump stations (one under construction, one at DP stage and the last one in design stage) and on the Upper Plateau Separation project.

Please join us on Monday January 29, 2018 from 7-9pm at the HSCA to learn more about the various flood mitigation projects, ask questions, or get involved and volunteer for the HSCA Emergency Planning & Response Committee.

Vendome Socials Planning Session

The Vitalization Committee would like to invite all interested residents to come and help plan monthly neighbour socials for the community. Come out to Vendome Café to be a part of the fun on Thursday January 11 from 6:30pm to 8pm.