board of directors

Community Planning, Development and Engagement Update

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) will hold its next meeting on Tuesday May 14, 2019 from 7-9pm at the HSCA Hearth Room. All residents, guests, and students are welcome. Bring your questions or ideas and learn more about what’s going on in your neighbourhood.

We will have guest presentations from Alloy Homes on a proposed infill at 229 11 Street NW and a subsequent guest presentation from a community member about moving the existing house at 229 11 Street NW to the vacant lot on 10A Street, where the original century-old home was tragically destroyed in a 2017 fire. What a great way to preserve the history of Hillhurst Sunnyside and witness the evolution of this wonderful community!

Thank you, Bob McKercher, Outgoing Chair, Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee


On behalf of the HSCA, we would like to thank Mr. Bob McKercher for his service to the community as chair of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee and member of the HSCA Board of Directors for the last 5 ½ years. Bob has brought a balanced and level-headed contribution to HSPC. Bob was instrumental in navigating the challenges of a changing neighbourhood with an emphasis on collaboration, engagement and finding commonalities between residents, HSCA, City of Calgary, applicant/developers and City Council.

With the collapse of the original Community Planning Committee in Spring 2013, Bob, along with a small handful of interim planning committee members and with the support of the HSCA as an organization, successfully restarted the planning committee in Fall 2013. The HSPC is now structured in such a way to divide the work into subcommittees with support from the Planning Coordinator/Executive Committee. Together, with a renewed focus in transparency and education, we successfully raised the profile of HSCA as a balanced voice for community planning in Calgary.

While we are sad to see Bob step down, he is not going anywhere and will still be present as an HSPC member. With our April 30, 2019 Annual General Meeting, three community residents have stepped up with an interest in community planning. We will meet the new HSCA Board members and the future chair person/people at the next meeting.

Jane’s Walk 2019: A Weekend in Hillhurst Sunnyside

By the time you read this, the Jane’s Walk festival weekend will have passed. Hillhurst Sunnyside residents are/were pleased to host four walking tours on the walk festival weekend. Learn more about Jane Jacobs and the wisdom she has imparted to community activists and city-builders around the world and learn about how to start your own walking tours at

“Theodore” | 417 10 St NW

The Graywood mixed-use commercial/condo project (at the site of the current 10th Street Royal Bank building across from Safeway) has been approved by Calgary Planning Commission at the April 18, 2019 hearing – watch the live video of the hearing at THIS LINK. You can see the final renderings and learn about the new location of the RBC branch at

National Transmission Site

Ocgrow has submitted their Land Use Redesignation and Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan amendments on Tuesday April 30; we should expect to see the application before HSCA soon. For details, visit the developer’s website at and on our website at THIS LINK. There will be further opportunities to engage and provide comment on this proposal – please contact for details.

Victoria on the Park (Formerly Five Eleven)

The proposed development at has undergone its review from the community and City – you can see the new, updated renderings at the developer’s website at We will have an upcoming feature on this development and on the history of the area soon on our HSCA Community Planning website and in a future issue of the Voice. Stay tuned.


·       HSCA Community Planning website:

·       City of Calgary Planning and Development Map (note that Calgary Herald public notices are transitioning to online notifications as of May 16, 2019):


Mark Your Calendar for Calgary Neighbour Day – Saturday June 15, 2019

One year after city of Calgary citizens came together as a result of the 2013 flood, Mayor Nenshi proclaimed the third weekend of June as Neighbour Day, a celebration of community. Since then, YYC Neighbour Day events have cropped up all over the city.

Planning is now underway for Neighbour Day celebrations across Hillhurst and Sunnyside! Are you curious about how HSCA can support resident-led events, or would you like to participate, volunteer, and/or contribute to local festivities? Contact Lisa Chong at to get connected.

The City of Calgary will waive its block party permits for Neighbour Day each year – for more details and ideas for your Neighbour Day celebration, go to

If you would like to get your event featured on HSCA media, please drop us a line! We are happy to help promote your event – send your stories and photos to

Volunteer to be Part of the Bigger Picture

Written by Allison Harrison

Photo taken at our 2018 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Photo taken at our 2018 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Volunteer opportunities can be limitless, they can also be fun exciting ways to get involved with something you feel extremely passionate about. What is volunteering? It is the commitment of time and energy, for the benefit of the society and the community, the environment or individuals outside one’s immediate family. It is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern for financial gain.

Benefits of volunteering:

·       help you connect with others

·       energize your body and mind

·       advance your career by obtaining new skills

·       fun and fulfilling.

Connections with others is big in today’s society, networking is one of the greatest ways to advance yourself in life, whether it be to benefit your career or your social life. The skills you gain from volunteering can benefit your career path. Not everyone is able to commit to school on a full or part time basis, but the casual opportunity volunteering can provide can help build a skill you may not have or help in further development with ones you already have.  Seniors benefit as much from volunteering as an anyone else, keeping a commitment can help ward off depression, and give a sense of belonging that may be missing from their daily lives. Children benefit from volunteering as well, it helps foster empathy and a sense of self efficacy, both characteristics that if learned at a young age can boost emotional and cognitive learning.

So how do you pick the right volunteer opportunity for you? Choose a cause you are passionate about. Not only does it benefit you with fulfillment, but the organization also benefits from your enthusiasm and drive. Choose an opportunity that matches your interests, skills, and schedule. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone either, that is where true skill building comes into play. Upload your resume on volunteer sites to help those looking for volunteers understand your skills and interests while giving them a general idea of who you are. Stay in touch with those who you have given a resume to, volunteering is no different that applying for a job and those who stay on top of places you have contacted will not go unnoticed.

The experience you get from volunteering is up to you.

Basic principles to keep in mind are:

·       honour your volunteer commitments

·       the time you committed to them is important and necessary and was already planned for

·       stay professional, volunteering is often an assigned role and an opportunity that should be treated the same as a paid position

·       take the opportunity to let the organization know what you like about the role and what you feel could be improved upon when asked

·       you are an important part in helping many organizations and not for profit stay in the game

Here at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association, we have an extensive and varied selection of opportunities, which can be found by visiting: You can participate in a range of activities or event such as, food programs, Casinos, recreational programs (such as soccer), Board of Directors positions, committees, supporting seniors and more. For all of the above reasons and more we hope you will consider lending your time and skills to Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association and your neighbours, plus, HSCA hosts a pretty amazing volunteer appreciation dinner you can get an invite to in recognition of your support.


Sources Cited:

Meet our new Executive Director!


Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

The HSCA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Kate Stenson will take over the executive director position. Kate stepped up as interim ED during the previous transitions and has been instrumental not only in coverage for that position, but also in ensuring that the board, staff and volunteers remain on focus with our vision and objectives.

Kate’s connection to the Hillhurst Sunnyside community and HSCA is a lifetime one. Kate grew up in the community and attended Hillhurst School and was a participant in the HSCA Out-of-School program. Kate also participated as a vendor and volunteer of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers’ Market for many years. Her passion for food security and advocacy brought her back to HSCA in the spring of 2013 when she joined as our Community Food Program Coordinator. She progressed to Manager of the program and then lent her skills and expertise to oversee HSCA’s community programs (Daycare, Out of School Care, Community Food Program and Community Connections).

We believe that HSCA has flourished under Kate’s leadership and will continue to do so as we move forward as an organization. Please join the HSCA board of directors in welcoming Kate to her new role.


Tyler Chalmers President, Board of Directors Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association.