HSCA Turns 76 this July! The Evolution of a Community Association

 HSCA has been serving our community since 1948! Over the last 76 years the association has evolved, pivoted, and grown. Check out our ‘Looking Back: Evolution of a Community Centre’ map from our 2023 Annual Report’ to get a snapshot over the years.  You can view our entire 2023 Annual Report here.

We want to hear from you!  

Do you have memories, photos, or stories from years before you would like to share? Reach out to stephanie.c@hsca.ca. OR tell us/share what you love most about your community.

Learn more 

To learn more about the history of Hillhurst Sunnyside, check out these two great resources:  

• Check out the Hillhurst Sunnyside Context Paper 

• Read through the digital version of Hillhurst Sunnyside Remembers by Margaret Tanko