HSCA Volunteer Spotlight: Julie Ann

The HSCA Volunteer Spotlight will introduce (or reintroduce) our community to HSCA staff, volunteers, and members of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community. If you know of a resident interested in participating in the HSCA Spotlight Series, email   ian.l@hsca.ca with SUBJECT LINE: HSCA Spotlight. We know our community is full of awesome residents and captivating stories and we’re hoping to share that with everyone!   

Let’s get to know Julie Ann… in 5 questions or less  

 How long have you lived in Hillhurst Sunnyside? 

 I actually live in Bragg Creek now, but I did live in the community in the 80s when my son was a child. 

 How did you get involved in volunteering in our community? 

 Since Covid I have been helping those in need to secure groceries.  So I started to come on Mondays for fresh routes. I felt like it would be better to volunteer than to wait. I just love volunteering at the community center and have made many friends.   

 What kind of volunteer activities have you done? 

 I have volunteered for many years at various organizations, WINS, The Women’s Center, The Food Bank, The Leftovers Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, The Samaritan Club. 

 What would you tell others in the community about volunteering?  What do you like most about volunteering in the community? 

 I think in this age we have to help each other and volunteering in whatever capacity can help do that. I really love the friendships that I have made volunteering and just getting out of the house especially during Covid. 

 What is a hidden gem in the community you have discovered and would like to share? 

 I’m always surprised how many folks don’t know about the Flea Market. It’s a gem for sure.