HSCA May Planning Update


HSPC reviews and makes recommendations on applications for development permits in the area. Meetings take place online currently on the first Wednesday of every month from 7-9pm. All residents are welcome to attend. You can find out more here: https://www.hsca.ca/meetings 

 Over the past few months we have been reviewing applications for land use changes such as an application to allow 8 units on a lot that previously allowed 2 maximum in a stacked townhouse, to rowhouse and infill applications. We have had several pre-applications for larger developments in the transit-oriented development area of Sunnyside which we expect to be coming forward with formal applications in the coming months. You can follow along with all current developments in the neighbourhood at Calgary.ca/pdmap or stay current with HSCA Planning Committee work on our Mighty Network site here: https://www.hsca.ca/mighty-networks 

 The Hillhurst Sunnyside Local Area Plan is being revisited by the City of Calgary. Our communities will now be part of a larger plan area that includes some adjacent communities. This plan will have impact on how our neighbourhood grows and changes over the next 25 years. The City is seeking residents to be on the working group and applications to be on this committee are open until May 8th. You can find more information here on how to apply or just follow along with other opportunities to give your feedback: https://engage.calgary.ca/Riley 

 If you have any other questions about Planning or to get involved please follow up with Ali McMillan, HSCA Community Planning Coordinator at ali.m@hsca.ca. 



There is currently one active subcommittee operating within EPARC: the Infrastructure (Technical) Division. EPARC has been diligently advocating for and reviewing flood protection plans for Hillhust and Sunnyside – thank you to those who have participated. EPARC has partnered with the University of Calgary Landscape Architecture Program to create visions for the Memorial Drive Parkway and berm. These ideas will help inspire ideas the City might consider as they move ahead with the flood barrier design ongoing until 2023. Decisions on aesthetic elements and on possible permanent narrowing of Memorial Drive will follow. Flood barrier construction will be complete in 2025. More information can be found at https://www.calgary.ca/uep/water/construction-projects/construction-projects-and-upgrades/sunnyside-flood-barrier.html 

For more information email Charlie Lund at clund2@yahoo.com or Ali Mcmillan at ali.m@hsca.ca  



 The Heritage Preservation Committee is focused on the preservation and celebration of architectural, cultural, and natural history in the community. Their large project for the past year has been working with Heritage Calgary to complete a historical context paper for Hillhurst and Sunnyside. The report is now complete and will be on the HSCA website shortly. This paper tells some amazing stories of our past – thank you to Lorna Cordeiro, Lisa Chong and all the other volunteers who participated in this project. Additionally, the committee has been working with the City of Calgary on adding some of these stories to the Bow to Bluff corridor which you will see popping up over the summer and fall of 2022. Our committee is currently working with the City on tools to protect heritage commercial areas and policy to help conserve heritage homes in our community. To get involved email ali.m@hsca.ca



The Sunnyside Brightening Committee (SBC) is an active group of neighbours seeking to "brighten" Sunnyside via recreational, artistic and environmental improvements. Originally established to focus on aesthetic aspects of flood mitigation projects, their scope has expanded to include essentially all recreational, artistic and environmental opportunities in Sunnyside. Presently they have been working with the City on the Bow to Bluff project – adding wayfinding/ historical information throughout and public art to the skate park area and transit fence. Additionally, the group is initiating several other resident-led public art projects. To get involved email Ali.m@hsca.ca



This committee was founded around the winter 2022 pop-up activation of West Gladstone Park and has since built a network of fun, creative and engaged neighbours who want to continue to beautify, improve liveability and add vitality to the Hillhurst area. This spring they are working on some traffic calming along Gladstone Road, park naming of Gladstone Parks and working with Hillhurst School kids on some art and planting in the parks! To get involved email Ali.m@hsca.ca 



A sub-committee of the planning committee, we educate, provide information and advocate for the community on traffic safety, parking, mobility issues. Presently the committee has been working with the City of Calgary on traffic calming projects for 2nd Ave NW in Sunnyside and 3rd Ave NW next to the C-Train station. To get involved email ali.m@hsca.ca.