Volunteer Spotlight: Introducing Michaela!

HSCA Volunteer Spotlight: December

The HSCA Volunteer Spotlight will introduce (or reintroduce) our community to HSCA staff, volunteers, and members of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community. If you know of a resident interested in participating in the HSCA Spotlight Series, email Stephanie.c@hsca.ca with SUBJECT LINE: HSCA Spotlight. We know our community is full of awesome residents and captivating stories and we’re hoping to share that with everyone!  

As part of the HSCA Spotlight Series, allow us to introduce you to Michaela!

1.     How long have you lived in Hillhurst-Sunnyside? What do you like about living here? 


“I’ve lived in Kensington for 11 years and I like that it has places close by and the people that I’ve meet so far are super nice." 

2.     How did you get involved in volunteering in our community? 

"My mother was the one to get me involved and from there are I’ve loved every moment about it. Its super fun to help out in the community and get to meet people" 

3.     What kind of volunteer activities have you done? 

"I’ve done activities like Potlucks before COVID started it was fun, at the potlucks I would look after the kids until we ate or even after it was fun," 

4.     What would you tell others in the community about volunteering? What do you like most about volunteering in the community? 

"I would tell others that volunteering is not a waste of your time - it helps you to understand others and you get to see things through other people’s eyes"  

5.     What is a hidden gem in the community you have discovered and would like to share? 

"My hidden gem in the community is the beautiful view of downtown Calgary when you go up any hill in the Kensington area." 

Volunteers are what make our community thrive!  We sincerely appreciate all the contributions of our local neighbours. Visit www.hsca.ca/volunteer or contact volunteer@hsca.ca to get involved!