Sunnyside Brightening Committee

The Sunnyside Brightening Committee (SBC) is an active group of neighbours seeking to "brighten" Sunnyside via recreational, artistic and environmental improvements.

Originally established to focus on aesthetic aspects of flood mitigation projects, their scope has expanded to include essentially all recreational, artistic and environmental opportunities in Sunnyside.  However, the extensive berm project to prevent flooding in Sunnyside is still a main focus.  The Brightening Group is concerned about tree loss on the berm, estimated at hundreds of trees needing removal during the project.  The group’s main goal is to ensure that there is a plan for tree replacement, river access and placemaking projects so that not only is the berm built and does its job of protecting residents from floods, but also that it has good aesthetic appeal and urban design.

 Currently the SBC functions as a subcommittee of the HSCA Planning Committee. Residents meet monthly and are working on several current projects; Sunnyside Bike Track, a sculptural sign for Sunnyside, murals in the community, etc.  More fun winter projects to come so stay tuned!

Beautification and activation of community spaces makes a huge difference to a sense of community and identity.  Many residents have led projects to improve the community in the past such as community gardens and adopt-a-rink outdoor rinks. These projects contribute to the liveability of the neighbourhood and allow many neighbours to connect with each other.

We are always looking for new Sunnyside residents who have ideas and want to make something happen in the community.  If you live in Sunnyside and want to step up and lead a project, we are here to support.  If you want to help out on a project someone else has already started feel free to join us!  We do not solicit other’s ideas to implement, we are a working committee that makes hands on improvements.  We are looking for residents to lead their own projects and be willing to contribute the time and effort to bring them to life.  To connect with us email  

 If you live in Hillhurst – by all means get a group of neighbours together and start a beautification group!  Projects residents have led in the past are highlighted here along with more ideas and resources for people who want to start a project. Visit