
HSCA Welcomes our Newest Membership Partner: Good Trade Coffee Co.

Coffee that Fuels Community

You may have already stopped in, walked by, or seen their lattes on your Insta feed. Or, if you frequent the HSCA Farmers’ Market, maybe you recognize them from our Incubator Booth a few summers back. Located along Kensington Road (1154 Kensington Cres.) Good Trade Coffee Company has found a place in our community, serving cups of coffee (and tea!) and bringing people together. A few weeks back, HSCA had the opportunity to chat with co-owner of Good Trade Coffee Co., Brandon Waardenburg, about everything from GTC’s approach, fair trade, design, social good and community. 

Entering GTC, you’re hit with a sense of familiarity. A warm welcome from the barista, that smell of freshly ground coffee beans (is there a better smell?) and an intimate space that feels more like a friend’s living room than a café (although definitely a friend with a passion for interior design and decorating). 


Being in the space, it’s easy to forget that just months before it was a Jugo Juice with humming, wall-to-wall coolers. According to Waardenburg, designing the space came with some challenges due to its small and unique shape. In collaboration with a friend and architect, they approached the space thoughtfully and with intention. I was surprised to learn that the shop has 22 seats (neat side note: some of the side tables can double as chairs) and the furniture by the bay window can be shifted and arranged just as you would if you were hosting a get-together in your own living room. 

Opening their Kensington doors in late November last year, this is Good Trade Coffee Co.’s second location in the city (the first and other location is at the Crossroads Market). A few summers ago, GTC was set up at the HSCA Farmers’ Market Incubator Booth. This provided the company with the opportunity for testing and feedback from customers. This experience would ultimately influence GTC to open their second location within the community. In fact, many of their customers today remember and recognize GTC from their short stint at the Incubator Booth (to learn more about the Incubator Booth Program or apply as a vendor click here).  

Much like the Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers’ Market, GTC is rooted in community and quality. For GTC, social good and community development are built into their business model. 

“You don’t have to sacrifice quality to be this way” Waardenburg said. GTC is committed to fair trade, community development and breaking the ‘cycle of poverty’ all while offering premium products.  GTC works closely with rural communities in Latin America, ensuring “the profits from each bag of coffee goes directly back into the producer’s community” (GTC, 2019). Waardenburg himself has dedicated the last 5 years alleviating poverty in Canada, working with vulnerable populations across the city. For Waardenburg, coffee is both the vehicle and the fuel to actioning GTC’s mission and values.  

So, whether you pull up a chair next to the bay window or take your latte to go, show your valid HSCA Membership card and you’ll receive 10% off all beverages and you can walk away knowing that you’re supporting a socially conscious business in our community.  We’re so excited to welcome Good Trade Coffee Co. as our newest Membership Partner. To purchase or renew your 2020 HSCA Membership, click here. To learn more about Good Trade Coffee Co. visit their website, follow them in Instagram @goodtradeco or find them on Facebook.

A Daycare Story of Community and Resiliency

In 2017, the Hillhurst Sunnyside Daycare was named an Early Learning Childcare Centre by the Government of Alberta. This meant that HSCA received a grant for facility improvements and increased spaces to make our daycare more accessible to all families of Hillhurst Sunnyside no matter their income level.

This also meant more opportunity to make an impact in the community to satisfy our mission of preserving and enhancing a healthy and vibrant quality of life for our residents. One resident has shared her and her daughter's experience with the HSCA Daycare progam and its staff, and we in turn would like to share her story with you.

Once upon a time there was a young woman who found herself in a big, new city. Hopeful, yet unsure of the path she had taken with her two young girls in tow; the journey would be challenging. Once she found her stride, she felt relief when getting her work done, especially in knowing the calm she felt whenever she left the youngest daughter, K (name removed to protect identity) with her care providers. There was no doubt in her heart that K was being loved and supported in all her growth and uniqueness. There was no second thought that came to mind as the young woman stepped out to face the days; the ease of mind assured her with strength and belief in self to accomplish anything and to push even on those hardest days. From day one, she saw happiness in K’s eyes, felt excitement in K’s voice and witnessed the wonder in K at play. These gifts brought tears of joy to the young woman’s eyes. She will be indebted; for the gratitude in the young woman’s heart will continually support how she raises that little K.

I am lucky to hold the story of the community which lives and is so very real at Hillhurst Sunnyside Daycare. It is this group of hearts that will remind me of the beauty we are capable of attaining as human beings. From the bottom of my soul, I thank all the staff at Hillhurst Sunnyside for helping me build a foundation for K’s journey.


  • J

Drawing by K: I am Looking for Ladybugs

Drawing by K: I am Looking for Ladybugs

We wish to thank J and K for sharing their story with us. And we strive for more opportunities to build community and resiliency for our Hillhurst Sunnyside neighbours.

Community Safety

Due to a variety of reasons such as the economic downturn and the displacement of vulnerable people from the downtown east side, neighbourhoods closest to the river and along the trains have been experiencing a higher amount of activity.

HSCA hosted a community safety meeting on November 30, 2017 to hear from residents and develop high-level strategy with Constable Glenn Pederson from District 3 Calgary Police Service at the table.  Click on the link here to view the meeting minutes.

What Can I Do?
Volunteer for Your Community

Would you like to get involved with starting a community safety group? We are looking for resident volunteers to take the lead and coordinate community safety initiatives and are eager to hear your ideas. Contact HSCA Vitalization at hscavitalization@gmail.com and cc: lisa.c@hsca.ca if interested.

Connect with Neighbours

Read updates and share information with neighbours via the HSCA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hillhurstsunnyside or the residents’ “Sunnyside Up” Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/431856983579750. You can also form your own street or area-based email list or social media group.

Building Safe Communities

The Federation of Calgary Communities provides free resources and workshops under their Building Safe Communities program. Check out https://calgarycommunities.com/our-services/building-safe-communities for more information.

Fill out a “My Neighbour Card” with your neighbours. Print off a copy and share with neighbours/friends at https://calgarycommunities.com/my-neighbour-card.

Traffic Calming Study Petition

Talk to your neighbours and organize a Traffic Calming Study petition through City of Calgary Transportation – review http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/TP/Pages/Safety/Community-Studies/Community-Traffic-Studies.aspx and click on Traffic Calming Policy for the petition form.

State the issues clearly in your submission. Once complete, contact HSCA c/o Lisa Chong (lisa.c@hsca.ca) and we will help you with getting final signatures from the HSCA, the ward councillor and the community police liaison for submission.

Note: this is a request for a traffic study through the City Transportation Department and does not guarantee traffic calming measures, which will be determined based on the City’s criteria and budget.


Calgary Police Service (CPS) District 3 Community Liaison

Sgt. Dave McMath



Who to Call and When

Use this guide if you are stuck on when to call 911, CPS non-emergency line, or Downtown Outreach Addictions Program (DOAP) [add link].

City of Calgary 311

Call 311, available 24 hours a day with concerns. Be sure to provide the street address of your inquiry to the operator. You can also submit a ticket online at www.calgary.ca/311 or the mobile app, Calgary 311. 311 requests are tracked and forwarded to the appropriate City department and helps City Hall determine where to allocate resources and funding.

Calgary Parking Authority

To report a parking issue or an illegally parked vehicle, phone 403-537-7000.