
Community Climate Conversation on February 5th in the Hearth Room

It’s time to talk about the climate crisis.

In the aftermath of the flood of 2013, amongst the wreckage and the lost memories, was the powerful gathering of community. We, as neighbours, friends, and citizens, lent each other a hand, an ear, and a shoulder to cry on. We supported each other through the disaster, and we are better people for it.

A new disaster looms, but this one is slower moving, and less obvious. And we have yet to rally our community, in fact, in a lot of ways we are pretending it’s not even coming. It is the climate crisis, and it is knocking at our doorsteps. We do our best to avoid talking about it, because who wants to talk about the implications of a rapidly degrading climate? It’s just not that fun. But it’s time to stop avoiding the issue, because it is through conversation, through discussion, that the solutions are found. And it is through laughter, and community that we will find the path to creating our better world.

The Calgary Climate Hub and the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association would like to invite you to be a part of the inaugural Community Climate Conversation series. To be held on Tuesday, Feb 5th at 6:30 pm at the HSCA, we’ll start with some proposed solutions: from the city, from energy efficiency experts, from renewable experts, from academics. And then we turn it over to you, to talk about what YOU want to do. How we can help each other create the future we want to live in. How we can support each other through the difficult times. And celebrate the many little victories that will come our way. Invite your neighbours. Invite your friends.

Let’s talk about the climate crisis. And let’s figure out how to keep all the things, and the people we love, safe.

Save the Date, more details to come.