sunnyhill housing

Food Forest Pilot Project

Sunnyhill Housing Cooperative recently received a $3,500 grant to implement a community greening project.  These grants are part of a multi-year partnership between Tree Canada, Canada’s national tree planting charity and Pembina Pipeline Corporation.  More than 230 project applications were received for the Green Canada Edible Trees program and SHC has been selected among 60 others.  

On Saturday, June 15th Sunnyhill will be planting a Food Forest Pilot Project on their property. The work will be done in collaboration with Sunshine Earth Works, a Calgary permaculture organization “committed to repairing the earth one yard at a time.”  

What is a food forest?   “Forest gardening is a low-maintenance, sustainable, plant-based food production and agroforestry system based on woodland ecosystems, incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, and perennial vegetables that have yields directly useful to humans.” 

Trees are critical to strong communities. They help us to live healthier lives by providing multiple environmental, social and economical benefits to our cities such as absorbing CO2, cooling our homes and reducing our stress. Research shows that living near trees lowers the risk of mortality from common causes and helps to improve our mental health. The effects of climate change in our cities can be mitigated by increasing our urban canopy.

Under the guidance of Jeremy Zoller and his crew from Sunshine Earth Works, the Grounds Committee, co-op members, and volunteers from Pembina and the whole community will be removing sod, preparing the soil, and planting trees and shrubs.  

The work for this is currently postponed. Please stay posted for future updates.

Plan to join us in participating with our community in some healthy physical labour to bring this fabulous spring project to fruition (pun intended). 

Submitted by

Pamela Boyd

SHC Grounds Committee.