HSCA’s AGM is Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 (In-person). Register today!

City of Calgary in Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions- Effective Aug 26th

An important update from the City of Calgary

Important reminder!
Starting August 26th, 2024, the City of Calgary will be in Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions.

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions prohibits all outdoor water use of City of Calgary potable water.

This means that the following is not allowed at any time:

- Using outdoor sprinklers
- Using hoses with spray nozzles
- Hand watering, unless it is with non-potable water or rainwater
- Watering new or established lawns, gardens, flowers, trees, shrubs, sod or grass seed with City water
- Washing outdoor cars, windows, exterior building surfaces, sidewalks, driveways or walkways
- Filling of outdoor pools, hot tubs or wading pools with City water
- Filling of fountains and other decorative features
- Water use for construction purposes including grading, compactions and dust control
- Pesticide or fertilizer application that requires the use of City water

For more info visit https://newsroom.calgary.ca/psa-stage-4-outdoor-water-restrictions-in-effect-august-26
