HSCA Spotlight: Meet Reiko

I am truly grateful to be a part of the HSCA community and association! My name, Reiko, sounds like a "rain coat" - Please say hi when you see me!

HSCA is pleased to introduce Reiko Yamagishi as our new Community Connections Coordinator. Reiko brings a wealth of knowledge in community development, gender studies research, anti-racism training and so much more!  

You may have already seen Reiko around the building! Over the last few weeks, Reiko has been working closely with Shaye as she prepares for her maternity and parental leave. If you see Reiko around, please say hello! We’re so excited to have you join our community, Reiko!

Get to know Reiko (In 5 Questions or Less)

Q: What is your favourite part about HSCA?

A: People are SO welcoming and supportive! Smile is always in this community! I also love HSCA as I feel I can be true to myself.

Q: What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?

A: Topics on Race, Class and Gender and Origami!! Japanese origami is a great source of mindfulness, creativity and cognitive development!

Q: What's your most used app on your phone?

A: Google map...As I am new here, my life is depending on google map. I memorize my routes before starting driving!

Q. What does Community mean to you?

A: A sense of being welcomed, accepted and supporting each other.

Q: Anything else you’d like to share?

 A:  I am truly grateful to be a part of the HSCA community and association! My name, Reiko, sounds like a "rain coat" - Please say hi when you see me!