Join Us for Paper-Bead Making on July 6 at HSCA's Neighbour Night!

By Abir Bachir- Neighbour Night Facilitator

Neighbour Night runs every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Check out our calendar for all HSCA programs, recreation, and events.

At 5:30pm we will enjoy a wholesome vegetarian meal cooked by volunteers, then at 6:30pm we will make paper beads. This is a popular craft in parts of the world where items are regularly repurposed and in cultures where upcycling is common practice. 

We will cut the magazine paper into long slim triangles and then roll them into the bead shape. The cut of the triangle determines the shape of your bead, have fun experimenting with the cutting and rolling portion of the activity! 

Once you have the dozen paper beads you made that you like, we will varnish them. Once the varnish is dry, we will bead them along with spacers onto elastic string to make a unique bracelet design. 

No two bracelets will look the same because the paper, cut, and style will be different. It is fun to express ourselves by proudly wearing colors we enjoy, and items we made for ourselves with love and care. 

Your facilitators for this activity will be Vi Kopp, Melisa Centofanti, and me, Abir Bachir. Vi has saved an assortment of colorful glossy papered magazines from going in the recycling for us and HSCA is covering the cost of the glue, varnish, and other supplies Abir & Melisa will gather for this activity.

Bring your family and friends, this event is open to residents of all Calgary communities, just make sure to RSVP with Reiko ( at HSCA so we can have enough supplies for everyone.