Please Welcome Our “New” Flea Market Manager: Angel!


With Bonnie now retired from the position after 37 years (wow!), Angel has now stepped in to fill her shoes. This might be intimidating to some, but Angel is no spring chicken when it comes to HSCA.

Angel ran the Flea Market kitchen at HSCA for three separate stints, one of which lasted over three years. She assisted with the HSCA Antique Market for 11 years, and she even worked with Bonnie at Sunnyside Grocery for over 10 years. Needless to say, the Flea Market is in good hands!

Even though Angel isn’t exactly new here, feel free to give her a warm welcome anyways!

The HSCA Flea Market has been an important community building event since 1985! It runs every Sunday, 7am-3pm.