November is Fall Prevention Month

With the change in seasons, winter brings with an increased potential for serious falls. Although falls can obviously happen at anytime and indoors as well as outside, snow and ice can increase the likelihood of a fall happening for everyone, not just seniors. Think about the following when travelling outside during the winter.

  • Find a path around snow or ice when you can.

  • Learn how to Walk Like a Penguin (video)​—walk slowly, take small steps, and point your toes out slightly to be more stable on icy paths.

  • Keep your head up and don’t lean forward.

  • Keep your hands out of your pockets to help keep your balance.

  • If you use a cane, you can buy an ice pick for the cane.

  • Plan ahead to make sure you have enough time to get where you’re going.

  • Assume that all wet, dark areas on the pavement may be slippery or icy. If you can, walk around them.

  • Walk on cleared walkways—avoid shortcuts that haven’t been cleared.

  • Download a local weather app on your phone (such as Government of Canada Weather Alerts) so you know what the weather is like before you go outside.

  • Don’t text or talk on your phone and walk at the same time.

  • Use handrails on stairs and ramps. If you’re walking on a slope where there are no handrails, be extra careful.

  • Spread sand or grit on your steps and walkways. You could also try carrying a small container of sand or grit to sprinkle on icy or sloped surfaces that you can’t walk around.

  • Try not to carry heavy things that can make you lose your balance, or large things that could block your view. If possible, use a backpack to keep your hands free.

If you would like more information about preventing falls, or ways to decrease your potential risk for falls, connect with HSCA’s Senior Coordinator, Debbie she can share some information and or links with you.

You can reach Debbie by calling 403-283-0554 ext. 224 or email at