Bonnie, our Flea Market Manager, is Retiring!

After 37 years managing the HSCA Flea Market, Bonnie Constable is moving on to greener pastures.

 Bonnie started part time in July of 1985 and never looked back. “The Flea Market became the love of my life,” she says. “The vendors are like family. I never in 37 years woke up Sunday morning not looking forward to going to work. It wasn't like a normal job. It was a Family Sunday and you never knew what adventure, good or bad, awaited the day. Or what treasure would surface.”

 When asked about the more memorable moments during her incredible tenure, Bonnie notes some emotional highs but also some terrible lows. Vendors stepping up to the plate to donate goods and financial aid to their community during the 2013 flood remains a highlight for her, but the passing of certain vendors have also meant some darker days. All in all, the social need the flea market fulfills for community members, as well as the positive environmental impact, have made the Flea Market an important part of neighbourhood life, according to Bonnie.

 “I will always be grateful for having been a part of that for so many years.”

 Stepping in for Bonnie as Flea Market Manager is the wonderful Angel Davis, who will be introduced in a future piece here in The Voice. All of us at HSCA would like to thank Bonnie for her remarkable dedication to our community, and wish her the best of luck in her future, which already sounds bright!

 “I will be retiring to do what ever makes me happy. Hobby of jewelry making, looking forward to a garden this year. Might even do a little travelling.” Sounds great Bonnie, you’ve earned it!