Flea Market Vendor Spotlight – Leroy Moffet

Photos by Ben Hames

1. How long have you been a vendor at the HSCA flea market?

I've been at the market about 6 years. Before that I was doing a lot of garage sales and different customers suggested that I might do well at the flea market. I checked it out and they haven't been able to get rid of me.

2. What kind of things do you sell?

I started with just vinyl records and did very well because I was selling my own collection, which was awesome, and I sold quite a lot to a few of the other vendors. Then I got into buying and selling other people’s LPs. I still haven't found a collection like I had. I got into selling sports jerseys and that's my biggest seller now.

3. What's your favorite item you've ever sold?

Some of the favorite items that I sold were some of the collectable albums from my original collection of LPs that were very rare and I got hundreds of dollars for them.

4. What is your favorite item you currently have for sale?

  My current favorite is a fringed deer hide leather jacket worth more than $450.00.

5. What do you like most about being a vendor at the flea market?

I like being a vender and meeting so many interesting people. I also like to find things that customers tell me they are looking for. It makes them so happy and of course I'm happy to have a sure sale.