Volunteer of the Month Profile: Jane Ebbern

How long have you lived in Hillhurst-Sunnyside?  What do you like about living here?

 My husband and I moved here in November 1995 and we love what a connected community this is. Everyone is out walking and biking and you get to know your neighbours.

 How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?

 My husband and I stared doing HSCA late night casino shifts a few years ago though sadly we weren't able to volunteer this year due to COVID.

 What kind of volunteer activities have you done?

 I helped build the playground at HSCA and my husband and i have organized block barbecues and Neighbours Day concerts in West Gladstone park. And we have been active in the recent developments in this West Gladstone park.

 What would you tell others in the community about volunteering?  What do you like most about volunteering in the community?

 Volunteering is a great way to give back to this wonderful community but it is also a way to put your stamp on this community and help shape how it develops. Plus we do meet your neighbours if you volunteer and that just makes you feel even more connected. Come join us.