HSCA Daycare's "Little Rainbow-ers"

Community nature walks are one of the best ways to encourage children to be active and enjoy their time outdoors. Studies have shown that going on daily walks can have tremendous benefits to one’s mental and physical health over time. Not only does it help improve focus, it also helps with boosting immunities. Aside from these added bonuses, daily discovery walks can be a powerful learning tool as well.

The HSCA Daycare would like to highlight its little Rainbow-ers. These children, ranging from two and a half to three, have learnt so much more outside than they would indoors as every time they step out, it is a completely new and unique experience. They have the opportunity to interact with the real world and choose their next destination while under the vigilant supervision of our Educators. As the weather has warmed, the children have been able to explore their surroundings which include plants, animals, people, vehicles, buildings and everything in between. Their daily adventures link what they have seen in books and photos with the actual objects. For example, every time the children see a C-train passes by, they would always stop to watch without fail. Some would express their excitement through words and cheers, while others simply observe in silence, but never would they take their eyes off the target for long.

While the process was slow to start as the children (and Educators) gained confidence in taking twelve children across busy roads and into the “real world”, this activity has grown into something so much bigger. These children are skilled walkers; while crossing the street, on the sidewalk, together. Community members stop to ask them who they are, Police officers waive and Firetrucks honk their horns. Our centre is blessed with being situated at the crossroad where nature meets the city, with easy access to both settings. To travel east, we get to explore the hidden gem that is Riley Park, a tranquil piece of real estate where children can learn to appreciate animals and plants in their native environment. To travel south, the children can experience the friendly neighbourhood charm that Kensington gives off before seeing the tall office buildings just across the Bow River. Depending on how adventurous we feel that day, it can be a nature day or an urban day or a nice blend of both. While no discover walk is ever the same, what is constant is that it is a wonderful way for children to safely learn about the real world while feeling empowered.

The progress, growth, and exploration this little group has journeyed on over the past few months has made such impact to the programming, as each child looks forward to their new morning ritual. Please send  wave, honk a horn or give a shout if you see our mighty explorers venturing on the streets of Hillhurst Sunnyside!