By Debbie Olson

I have been lucky enough to work at Hillhurst-Sunnyside for the last 20 years. One thing I have heard repeatedly during that time is praise from other groups, communities and individuals around how involved residents of our community are. You volunteer for committees, programs, special events, providing help and support when needed, and helping out with Neighbour Night, the Food program and the Farmer’s Market.

We have community members who join together to work on resident-led initiatives, volunteers who create and maintain an ice rink in Sunnyside when the weather cooperates, and an incredible number of residents who stepped up to help when the 2013 flood impacted our community. Our community members help with the Bow River Clean up each spring, volunteer for the casino when our turn comes around, and some streets in our community have even created “connections” with the residents on the street, not to mention all the volunteers who step up to help seniors in our community year after year.

I know that I have not listed all the projects and ways that residents within and outside of our community connect, but you are the reason that others see our community as active, caring and involved; and sometimes even ask me how we do it. The reality is, I think, that when we ask, you respond. When you see a need or have an idea, you explore how to make it happen. Although not everything can be done or every vision realized, you are the driving force that makes HSCA an awesome community.

Thank you for all you do, all the ways you step up to create change, the immense number of times you have helped others whether through volunteer opportunities or on your own. You are the HEART of our community. You care, and you make a difference that is noticed by others outside of our community.