HSCA Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Jim

The HSCA Volunteer Spotlight will introduce (or reintroduce) our community to HSCA staff, volunteers, and members of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community. If you know of a resident interested in participating in the HSCA Spotlight Series, email  ian.l@hsca.ca with  SUBJECT LINE: HSCA Spotlight. We know our community is full of awesome residents and captivating stories and we’re hoping to share that with everyone!  

Jim Besse has lived in Sunnyside for 34 years.  He presently builds and maintains the skating rink in New Edinborough Park and organizes the community garden – recently renovated as part of Bow to Bluff. Let’s get to know Jim… in 5 questions or less  

How long have you lived in Hillhurst-Sunnyside?  What do you like about living here? 

34 years   

1. the pedestrian utility of living here, ie.) walk to work downtown when I was a working man, walk for groceries, walk to restaurants and stores. 

2. convenient access to walking and biking trails, be they the River pathways, McHugh Bluff 

3. the diversity demographics and inclusivity of the Sunnyside social vibe 

4. positive proactive engagement with the social, environmental and economic challenges of our times, becoming part of the solution 

How did you get involved in volunteering in our community? 

Took over the ice rink from a buddy 

What kind of volunteer activities have you done? 

Coach of kids Soccer & Hockey, ice rink maker, community garden organizer 

What do you like most about volunteering in the community? 

It's a great idea! 

What is a hidden gem in the community you have discovered and would like to share? 

McHugh Bluff, so fortunate to have close access to nature