Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Abir!

As part of the HSCA Spotlight Series, allow us to introduce you to HSCA volunteer, Abir. Abir has played an important role in our Neighbour Night events! Abir has been involved with HSCA for over 3 years and shares her creativity and resourcefulness by creating elaborate activity kits out of recycled and donated materials for our weekly Neighbour Nights. Some recent activities include holiday cards and making Zoom Movie Nights. Abir is also involved with Calgary Dollars, working to build local/barter economies. Our community is incredibly fortunate to have Abir share her talents and engagement with the Hillhurst Sunnyside community!

How long have you lived in Hillhurst-Sunnyside?  What do you like about living here?

I have lived in West Hillhurst for 3 Years. It is walkable, I am close to the river and the bow trail pathway, 4 bus stops and bus routes to work, loc"

How did you get involved in volunteering in our community?

My business partner Sima introduced me to HSCA - their monthly themed activities provide me with a chance to network within my neighboring communities

What kind of volunteer activities have you done?

Being resourceful by collecting excess crafting supplies from local people or organizations, then upcycling them into a variety of low-cost crafting activity kits.

What would you tell others in the community about volunteering?  What do you like most about volunteering in the community?

Make your own personal connections happen by volunteering and talking to people in your community, find people who offer or seek the same supplies, products, or services as you - there is the potential seed for collaboration, working together, finding and making personal opportunities happen.

What is a hidden gem in the community you have discovered and would like to share?

Fresh Routes Market happening at HSCA on Mondays gives me access to fresh produce that is close to my house, accepts Calgary Dollars, and provides an opportunity to meet and run into people in my community - Making friends takes time which is hard to do these days in our busy lives and suburban sprawled communities but by frequenting the same community center for my shopping, activities, and facilitating gives me the opportunity to meet people and grow those relationships within my community.