HSCA Spotlight: Ali

“We are thrilled to welcome Ali to HSCA. I am excited to see Ali bring her considerable experience in community engagement and planning to Hillhurst-Sunnyside, and look forward to her contributions to our team, and ultimately to the diverse residents that make up our vibrant community.”
— Matt Youens, Interim Executive Director, HSCA

Introducing HSCA’s New Community Planning and Engagement Coordinator

HSCA is pleased to introduce Ali McMillian into the newly revamped position of Engagement & Community Planning Coordinator!

About Ali

  • A former teacher, Ali’s previous role was as the Planning and Development Director/ Business Liaison for the Bridgeland Riverside Community Association (2015-2021).

  • Alongside significant volunteer and planning experience, Ali’s considerable project portfolio includes: Bridgeland Arctic Adventure (2021), Bridgeland Peony murals (2020), Flyover Park (2016-2021), Bridgeland Hollywood Sign (2019), Bridgeland Mapping/ Wayfinding Project, (2019-2020), Pride Intersection (2019), Village Piazza Revitalization (2018), Polka Dot intersection (2018), East Riverside Master Plan, and the Bridgeland Riverside Area Redevelopment Plan (2018-2020).

About the Role

As Engagement & Community Planning Coordinator, Ali is responsible for two main portfolios:

  1. Supporting, encouraging, and growing community engagement; and

  2. Supporting the Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee.

    Get to know Ali (in 5 Questions or Less)

    Q1. What is your favourite part of HSCA?

    A1. The people are welcoming, creative and passionate about the community!

    Q2. Tell us a fun fact about yourself 


    A2. My daily driver is a 1977 Volkswagen Van called “The Honey Bus"

    Q3. What is your favourite part of the Hillhurst Sunnyside community?


    A3.  I LOVE the Sunnyside garage murals!

    Q4. What keeps you busy outside of your role at HSCA?


    A4. With two teenage daughters, we are a crazy Basketball family - coaching and being my kid’s biggest fan!

    Q5. What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?


    A5. Tactical urbanism and placemaking: How residents can be the change they want to see in their neighbourhood!

    Ali can be reached via: