It’s Jane Jacobs’ Birthday!

Jane Jacobs was a celebrated urban activist, observer, and author. Ms. Jacobs changed the way that we experience and plan our cities through her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

In celebration of the annual Jane’s Walk weekend, we would like to highlight HSCA’s long-time volunteer and Jane’s nephew in Calgary, Dr. Decker Butzner on what makes Hillhurst Sunnyside such a vibrant community: In the family footsteps: An interview with Jane Jacobs' Calgary nephew’.

Spring is a special time of year when people start walking and moving outside. While we are not able to gather this year, you can check out virtual walks and tips about exploring your community around you on Jane’s Walk website.

Partner and community content 

  • The Kensington Art Walk Map was created by the Kensington BRZ/BIA showcasing the artwork on 10th St and Kensington Road. Find an e-copy at Kensington YYC.

  • Spring is a special time of year when people start walking and moving outside. Be sure to check out the virtual walks at Jane’s Walk Calgary Foundation.

  • Sunnyside is home to an outdoor art gallery! Check out the art that adorns many a garage door in the community at Sunnyside Art Crawl.

  • In summer 2018, twelve printmakers and writers interviewed people who live/work in the community, researched neighbourhood history, and transformed collected stories into art. Check them out on Instagram at @Utilistories

Here are some of the walks that the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association has hosted over the years: 

HSCA Heritage Week.png