HSCA Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Andrew

Get to Know Your HSCA Board!

The HSCA Spotlight will introduce (or reintroduce) our community to HSCA staff, volunteers, and members of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community. If you know of a resident interested in participating in the HSCA Spotlight Series, email Stephanie.c@hsca.ca with SUBJECT LINE: HSCA Spotlight. We know our community is full of awesome residents and captivating stories and we’re hoping to share that with everyone!  

Allow us to introduce you to Andrew! Andrew has been on HSCA’s a Board of Directors since June 2021 and a resident of Hillhurst Sunnyside for over 2.5 years. Let’s get to know Andrew… in 5 questions or less! 

Name: Andrew Rogan

Title/Position on the HSCA Board: Director at Large


1.    What goals do you have while on the Board?


I want to ensure that the community remains vibrant and prosperous.  I want to do this by fostering a financially friendly environment where the CA can provide excellent services with the possibility of expanding services. 


2.    What keeps you busy outside your Board duties? 

A demanding work schedule, 9 month old son, 2 year old rescue dog, Lazer, three other boards.

3.    Tell us the best binge-worthy series/show/podcast you enjoyed during quarantine. Or tell us about a cool hobby/activity you engaged in over the last year. 

Pink Tax Podcast - Shameless plug because my wife does it.  


4.    What is your favourite thing about the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community?

The walkability. Parks, shops, restaurants.


5.    What does Community mean to you?


A living, thriving area built for people and families as the primary focus.