Phase 2 Alberta Relaunch Strategy: Updates from Your Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association



Contact:        Kate Stenson, Executive Director



June 19, 2020– Calgary, Alberta– It has been three months since the Government of Alberta’s mandated closure of community centres in the province due to Covid-19. This included the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association (HSCA) facility, programs, and all scheduled events. As information changes daily, details will be posted on HSCA media as it becomes available and at Community members are encouraged to monitor the Alberta Health Services’ guidelines for safe practices. We would like to thank the community for its support and patience during this challenging time.

As an update from our March 24, 2020 letter from HSCA Executive Director, Kate Stenson, a small skeletal team of staff have been recalled to support the community during this time. Staff are working remotely with reduced hours as our building remains closed for most activities. Our staff directory can be found by clicking here. We are making every effort to ensure the safety of our community and team members, in accordance to Alberta Health Services guidelines.

Community Food Programs

As a part of Phase 1 of Alberta’s Relaunch Strategy, the weekly Wednesday HSCA Farmers’ Market is now open and operational since May 20. The market is operating at a limited capacity, with precautions and appropriate physical distancing measures. The market runs from 3-7pm at the back parking lot of our building at 1320 5th Avenue NW. We have seen amazing attendance and thank the community for its support of all things local.

We will be partnering with Fresh Routes to bring affordable groceries to the community starting on Monday June 22, 2020; watch our social media for updates. The Good Food Box is also available for order at this link. Community gardeners can find more information at this link


If your child was enrolled with HSCA Daycare or Out of School Care (OOSC), you are aware of our partial reopening. As capacity continues to increase in these programs, we will be in contact with previously enrolled families. We would like to thank all of the families who have returned so far for their ability to adapt to the new guidelines which are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.

Phase 2 Relaunch

The Province has moved up the start of Phase 2 of the Relaunch to Friday June 12, 2020. This phase includes community centres. The shutdown has significantly impacted the community association’s revenue streams and things will be slow starting back up. We are taking the time and necessary steps to understand what relaunching will look like for HSCA. At this time, there are more questions than answers, but we will endeavour to keep the community informed as decisions are made.

At this time, HSCA programming, indoor recreation, rentals, Bowview Pool and the Sunday Flea Market are not yet open. Updates will be posted on HSCA social media and on the website.

Outdoor Recreation 

HSCA is excited to announce the launch of two outdoor fitness programs this summer: Gentle Flow Yoga & Bodyweight Based Bootcamp. The two classes are intended to compliment each other with opportunities to unwind and reground or build strength and sweat! Details and online registration are available here. 

Indoor Gym Rentals

HSCA is excited to announce our Gymnasium is opening for limited Saturday rentals, starting July 4, 2020. Online booking is open now. Please be sure to read the updated Rental Contract and important COVID-19 restrictions for July Gym Rentals.


Citizen advocacy committees (EPARC Infrastructure and Community Planning & Development) have been communicating via email as needed, while in-person meetings have been cancelled until further notice. We are currently working on increasing volunteer capacity and engagement. An informed community is an engaged community! 

If you have experience in architecture, reading plans, or would like to have your voice heard on major municipal infrastructure projects, consider getting in touch to share your knowledge with your community. Other exciting volunteer projects include helping to capture the stories of our community and organizing self-guided neighbourhood walking tours. Please contactuswith your ideas. 

Watch HSCA media and the City of Calgary Engage Portal and the City Planning & Development Map for updates.

Resident Engagement

Although Neighbour Day 2020 looked different this year, we know there were lots of creative activities, displays, and celebrations going on in our community.  We want to hear all about it! Share your Neighbour Day stories, photos, art, community building, and more with us and we’ll post it to the HSCA blog by emailing Did you make it out to the Sunnyside Art Crawl or the Plant Exchange? Read about these awesome resident-led initiatives here!

View our Connecting Champions Resource Guide for tips to support your neighbours during this difficult time. 

Did you know that grants and resources for resident-led projects are still available through the Calgary Foundation? Talk to your neighbours over the fence, on the street, in the hallways and elevator to brainstorm ideas to get started. Grant applications can be found here.

If you are taking action in the community, we would love to hear about it and help spread the word! See our guidelines on resident submissions for the HSCA Blog and Voice Newsletter at this link. Keep engaged and look out for HSCA lawn signs and activity handouts in the local Little Free Libraries around the community this summer!

A simple way for you to engage with and support HSCA right now is to purchase membership. Memberships sales provide an important source of revenue for HCSA, especially at a time when all revenue streams have been significantly impacted. HSCA currently has about 500 members; doubling this number would provide about $10,000 of revenue which is equivalent to about one month of HSCA’s fixed operating expenses. In addition to what this act of support does for HSCA, our membership gives you access to discounts at many local businesses who also need your support now more than ever. Thank you to all residents who have already purchased a membership with HSCA – we look forward to welcoming the next 500!

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