HSCA Membership Drive: Contest Time!


HSCA is excited to partner with the Kensington BRZ and Water for Riley in our HSCA Membership Drive! When you purchase or renew your HSCA Membership online, you will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 6 $100 gift card from a LOCAL Kensington business or our grand prize: a night and brunch at Hotel Arts Kensington! Purchase your HSCA membership by December 15, 2020 for your chance to win! Current and new membership holders are automatically eligible. The final draw will happen on Wednesday December 16 at noon.  Winner will be contacted by phone or email.

To find out more about the HSCA Memberships perks (spoiler: there's so many) and purchase your Memberships online, click here. Stay tuned on HSCA’s Instagram and Facebook page as we welcome more great Membership Partners in the weeks to come as part of our #MembershipMonday campaign. Be sure to follow the Kensington BRZ on Instagram for other updates and information on how you can support local (FYI: Late Night Shopping in Kensington begins Thursday, November 19th) or sign-up for their e-newsletter here.

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