Water for Riley 2.0

By Deborah Sword

This blog post was originally published on the W4R blog on January 21st, 2020.

Since 2015, Water for Riley has proudly used the unique name, logo, and brand that our generous elf Diana Thompson gifted to us.

original logo.jpg

The drinking fountain is built, and its new water line awaits. Installation is scheduled for this spring as soon as the ground of Riley Park thaws and the site prepared. We decided the logo should reflect the progress to this last, final and concluding stage -can you tell we are excited about the project ending?

The logo 2.0

To acknowledge these accomplishments, we asked the drinking fountain’s designer, AUArts student Michelle Lazo, to refresh the logo. We wanted to incorporate her design. We hope you like the new logo as much as we do.

Screen Shot 2020-01-29 at 11.48.24 AM.png

Save the date please


Planning the party

January 20, 2020, the team met in the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. Six months from now, we will have a terrific celebration of this entirely local, volunteer driven, community based drinking fountain. 

Come for the music, bring a picnic, enjoy Riley Park and admire the drinking fountain.

Area of greatest need

There is much to do in planning the celebration. The area that most needs willing volunteers is social media and publicity. If you have time and an interest in marketing/social media/publicity/promotion etc, please call 403 862 1923.

Be part of Calgary’s public art legacy;
for Riley Park, for you, and for the future.

Donate to make this vision become reality. At the instructions to seller page, specify that your support is for The Water for Riley Project. The Parks Foundation issues tax receipts for donations greater than $10.00.

We invite everyone to participate as a volunteer, fundraiser, donor, sponsor, or any other role. Call 403 862 1923 and leave your contact information.

See our story in a video http://www.waterforriley.org/2018/07/acad-w4r-video/