Neighbour Day is Coming June 16! How Will You Celebrate Community?

Started in 2014, one year after the flood, Neighbour Day is a great opportunity to celebrate our strong and caring communities. The City of Calgary website has some amazing ideas and I have included a few below.

  • Host a block party on your residential street.
  • Have a neighbourhood picnic at a local park.
  • Host a neighbourhood potluck or front yard BBQ.
  • Host afternoon tea in your backyard.
  • Organize a parade of lawn parties.
  • Hold a street chalk drawing competition.
  • Grab a Litter Cleanup Kit, get together and tidy up your park or natural area.
  • Help your neighbour with their spring cleaning or gardening.
  • Make up your own way to celebrate your community spirit in Calgary.

The idea is to meet neighbours, make new friends, have fun and maybe work together on a project that benefits the entire community. We have a few great activities planned, but big or small ALL ideas to celebrate are welcomed.

The Calgary Stampede is hosting a Stampede breakfast at HSCA beginning at 8am until 10am. Complete with free breakfast and square dance performances.

Hillhurst residents are having a giant area wide yard sale from 9am until 2pm on the streets between 10a and 13 street. Lemonade stands are bound to be in abundance.

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If a big activity is not your style, I invite you to go out and introduce yourself to one new person on your street or in your building. Knowing your neighbours helps in feeling connected and less isolated. You may not need that, but perhaps a neighbor would benefit from that simple human interaction.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fifth anniversary of the flood. While five years seems like a long time ago, in reality, it is not. Residents, city staff and folks from around the province, even the country, came together to help in 2013. Calgarians are nothing if not resilient. And the world watched and applauded the citizens who pulled up their proverbial bootstraps and helped dig the city out from devastation. A huge thank you for all the folks who continue to work on Flood Mitigation, both short and long term efforts. You are amazing! - Karen Gallagher-Burt (MSW), Executive-Director

a neighbour day breakfast you'll flip for!.jpg

Hillhurst is also throwing a Block Party in the 1700 block of Bowness Rd. NW. You are invited to an afternoon block party in Hillhurst. Burgers, salad and family-friendly games will be provided. Help cut down on waste and bring your own utensils, plates, cups, lawn chairs, foldable tables, snacks and/or dessert to share. 

In the afternoon from 3pm – 7pm there is a party hosted by residents of Sunnyside at New Edinborough Park, (625 3 Ave NW) Bring your lawn chair and come and meet your neighbours! 

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