Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

(This message was orginally posted July 12, 2017)

Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

It is with a mixture of gratitude and sadness that I announce Quentin Sinclair’s departure as Executive Director of Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. Effective August 4, 2017, Quentin will leave to take a senior management position with the Calgary Homeless Foundation.

Over the past six years, Quentin has played a pivotal role in numerous new initiatives to improve the lives of Hillhurst Sunnyside residents and those in surrounding Calgary neighbourhoods. His inspiring leadership and dedication to community has not only left a lasting impression on the HSCA staff and Board, but a permanent legacy at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. I wish to thank him for the years of dedicated service to growing and supporting our mission.

While Quentin’s departure is difficult, I am certain that Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association is in capable hands and will continue to support the HSCA mission of providing a healthy and vibrant quality of life for the residents of Hillhurst Sunnyside. We have a solid, supportive foundation of exceptional team members and are well prepared to maintain program operations for the months and years ahead.

Over the coming weeks, our Board of Directors will focus on this transition and supporting recruitment efforts.

Again, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Quentin for the dedication, passion, enthusiasm and motivation he has provided our organization over the past six years. He will be missed by staff, the Board, volunteers and supporters alike. With Quentin’s assistance HSCA has strengthened its position as a leader in the field of community engagement, childcare and sustainability and our path to continued success over the next few months and years ahead is clear.


Tyler Chalmers President, Board of Directors Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association