Sustainability Committee
The HSCA Board of Directors has formed a Sustainability Committee (formerly Sustainable Centre Task Force (SCTF)). The committee will evaluate the HSCA facilities in order to develop a long-term plan for how community spaces within Hillhurst Sunnyside (with heightened focused on the HSCA building itself) would best be utilized in order to serve the majority of community residents.
Project Background
In early 2013, our HSCA Board of Directors held a strategic planning session to evaluate priorities and board initiatives. The three key priorities from the session where identified as: Communication, Governance & Community Space.
In mid-2014, the Sustainable Centre Task Force was proposed in order to lead an evaluation of Hillhurst Sunnyside community space and to forecast the future needs of the community. The task force proposes in part to:
Carry out an analysis of community spaces currently managed by the HSCA (including community gardens, orchards & other physical spaces)
Develop a community space framework for the Centre (what do we need & what do we want?)
Determine those areas in which community interests align with imagine Calgary objectives
Compare program needs vs existing spaces based on community feedback rooted in community vision
Develop strategy for energy and water efficiency and carbon emissions reductions
Engage community residents in learning about and implementing sustainability measures
Alignment with imagineCalgary Targets
As volunteers, staff and members of the Board of the HSCA, we have a responsibility to plan for the future and to engage the whole of our community in making the choices necessary to ensure a sustainable organization and a green facility. As Calgarians we have also agreed to engage with Imagine Calgary and the City of Calgary in attempting to reach objectives laid out in the Imagine Calgary Plan.
During our November 13, 2014 imagineHSCA engagement event, residents echoed their concerns for sustainable practices at HSCA and also expressed the desire to see more inclusive programming that would appeal to a wider demographic and best serve the majority of residents in Hillhurst Sunnyside.
Desired Outcomes
The HSCA Sustainability Committee will review current program needs, assess the facility in terms of its ability to meet those needs, and explore how the Centre might respond to future needs. It will map out a rational path for the HSCA to follow with respect to infrastructure planning for the next two or more decades. But most importantly the committee will help explain the meaning of sustainability, the choices available to all residents and assist the HSCA in becoming a model organization – one that can support actions by individuals, groups and the Centre towards a greener, more sustainable future!
For more details, download a copy of the Sustainable Centre Task Force position paper (SCTF_Position Paper) and operating model (SCTF_process ).
Get Involved
The HSCA Sustainability Committee is seeking participants with a wide variety of specialized skills to assist us with this endeavour. We are looking for residents with experience in architecture, energy conservation, engineering, facility planning, GIS, habitat restoration, human resources, landscape architecture, pollution, social program development, solar PV, reclamation, recycling, risk management, urban design, and water conservation. If you’re interested in becoming involved, please forward a copy of your CV or qualifications, and indicate how many hours per month you can commit to the project, to Darren .