Community Connections
Community Connections aims to build relationships of support among neighbours and community members – particularly those who are at risk of social exclusion – while building capacity to become more self-sufficient.
Community Connections programming is supported by Family & Community Support Services.
Neighbour Night
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Registration is required!
Neighbour Nights are always free and are currently running in person. The evening includes a simple vegetarian meal, childminding volunteers who do crafts with the younger participants, and an activity for all to enjoy.
Past activities have included: greeting card making, mindful drawing, gardening tutorials, pottery painting, jewelry making, and so much more! For full listings go events, visit our programs and recreation calendar!
Contact to be added to the monthly email of events.
Mondays from 4pm-6pm (except holidays)
Meeting basic needs as the first step to community engagement
Fresh Routes Mobile Grocery Store for all to shop. HSCA also offers people who live in Hillhurst Sunnyside experiencing food insecurity with resources and assistance, including access to the free table. Questions? Connect with one our team members at the Sustainable Food Program (SFP) for more information.
HSCA Sip ‘n’ Chat
Drop-In Tuesdays from 2pm-4pm in The Hearth Room
Coffee, tea, and pastries are on us! Come on out to chat with neighbours and HSCA representatives.
All ages are welcome
Please contact for more details
Tax Clinic
April 11, 2024- HSCA’s Tax Clinic is now CLOSED. Please direct any questions to the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 or visit the CRA website:
We do our best to be a full service community association and are happy to help connect you with the resources you need. If you are in immediate need of support, please contact the Distress Centre (403-266-4357), or for a directory to other services call 2-1-1 or visit their website to chat online: If you would like to meet with a community advocate who can write referrals for services and programs, contact BowWest Community Resource Centre (403-216-5348,