HSCA Committees represent the diversity of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community and advocate on behalf of its residents. The majority (if not all) committees are volunteer run and there are plenty of opportunities and options for residents to get involved.
Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning cOMMITTEE
HSPC reviews and makes recommendations on applications for land use amendment, development permits, and planning projects in the area. Meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of the month from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Meetings are currently taking place via ZOOM. Whether you are a resident or an applicant, please visit the Meetings webpage to register.
Focused on the preservation and celebration of architectural, cultural and natural history. Interested individuals can contact the Community Planning Coordinator to learn more!
Emergency Planning & Response committee
There is currently one active subcommittee operating within EPARC: the Infrastructure (Technical) Division. Volunteer positions are open on the Community Response and Resiliency Division, the Advocacy Division and the Community Leaders Program. The focus of EPARC is on emergency preparedness, disaster mitigation and liaison between residents & The City of Calgary on infrastructure. For more information email the Community Planning Coordinator.
Art by Nasarimba. Photo by Cailynn Klingbeil
The Sunnyside Brightening Committee (SBC) is an active group of neighbours seeking to "brighten" Sunnyside via recreational, artistic and environmental improvements.
Originally established to focus on aesthetic aspects of flood mitigation projects, their scope has expanded to include essentially all recreational, artistic and environmental opportunities in Sunnyside. To get involved connect with the Community Planning Coordinator.
mobility committee
A sub-committee of the planning committee, we educate, provide information and advocate for the community on traffic safety, parking, mobility issues.
Banner photo by Ara Shimoon,